Área de conocimientoPeriodo de publicación recogido
The Mail in Time: Postal Routes and Conceptions of Distance in Colonial Guatemala
Sylvia Sellers-García
Colonial Latin American Review, ISSN 1060-9164, Vol. 21, Nº. 1, 2012, págs. 77-99
"Descripción del Reyno de Guatemala" (1818): compilando un manual presidencial
Sylvia Sellers-García
Mesoamérica, ISSN 0252-9963, Vol. 33, Nº. 54, 2012, págs. 94-125
The Alchemy of Conquest: Science, Religion, and the Secrets of the New World by Ralph Bauer (review)
Sylvia Sellers-García
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 78, Nº. 2, 2021, págs. 327-329
Es reseña de:
The Alchemy of Conquest: Science, Religion, and the Secrets of the New World by Ralph Bauer
Sylvia Sellers-García
Journal of Latin American Studies, ISSN 0022-216X, ISSN-e 1469-767X, Vol. 48, Nº. 3, 2016, págs. 635-637
Es reseña de:
I Ask for Justice: Maya Women, Dictators, and Crime in Guatemala
David Carey Jr.
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2014
Indians and the political economy of colonial central America, 1670–1810 by Robert W. Patch (review)
Sylvia Sellers-García
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 72, Nº. 1 (January), 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Indigenous Liminalities: Andean Actors and Translators of Colonial Culture), págs. 157-159
Es reseña de:
Indians and the political economy of colonial central America, 1670–1810
Robert W. Patch
Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2013
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