Periodo de publicación recogido
An empirical analysis of herd behavior in global stock markets.
T.C. Chang, D. Zheng
Journal of banking and finance, ISSN 0378-4266, Vol. 34, Nº. 8, 2010, págs. 1911-1921
From "Instant Asia" to " Multi- Faceted Jewel": Urban Imaging Strategies and Tourism Development in Singapore.
T.C. Chang
Urban geography, ISSN 0272-3638, Vol. 18, Nº. 6, 1997, págs. 542-562
Introduction: Rethinking tourism in Asia
Tim Winter, Peggy Teo, T.C. Chang
Asia on tour: exploring the rise of Asian tourism / Tim Winter (ed. lit.), Peggy Teo (ed. lit.), T.C. Chang (ed. lit.), 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-46085-9, págs. 1-18
Singapoure's postcolonial landscape: boutique hotels as agents
Peggy Teo, T.C. Chang
Asia on tour: exploring the rise of Asian tourism / Tim Winter (ed. lit.), Peggy Teo (ed. lit.), T.C. Chang (ed. lit.), 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-46085-9, págs. 81-96
Asia on tour: exploring the rise of Asian tourism
Tim Winter (ed. lit.), Peggy Teo (ed. lit.), T.C. Chang (ed. lit.)
London : Routledge, 2009.. ISBN 978-0-415-46085-9
Ha sido reseñado en:
Asia on Tour: exploring the Rise of Asian Tourism
Tourism analysis, ISSN 1083-5423, Vol. 15, Nº. 1, 2010, págs. 143-145
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