Periodo de publicación recogido
Gurdeep Rastogi, Sutapa Barua, Rajesh K. Sani, Brent M. Peyton
Microbial ecology, ISSN-e 1432-184X, ISSN 0095-3628, Vol. 62, Nº. 1, 2011, págs. 1-13
Gurdeep Rastogi, Rajesh K. Sani, Brent M. Peyton, James G. Moberly, Timothy R. Ginn
Microbial ecology, ISSN-e 1432-184X, ISSN 0095-3628, Vol. 58, Nº. 1, 2009, págs. 129-139
Bioreduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Flow-Through Quartz Sand Columns
Mahbub Alam, Brent M. Peyton, James N. Petersen, Md. Akram Hossain, David R. Yonge
Journal of environmental engineering, ISSN 0733-9372, Nº. 3, 2006, págs. 358-366
David E. Cummings, Gill G. Geesey, David B. Watson, Lynn M. Petzke, Brent M. Peyton, BarryL. Kinsall, Catherine L. Reardon
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ISSN 0099-2240, Vol. 70, Nº 10, 2004, págs. 6037-6046
Uranium Complexes Formed at Hematite Surfaces Colonized by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Brent M. Peyton, James E. Amonette, Gill G. Geesey, Andrew L. Neal
Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, Nº. 11, 2004, págs. 3019-3027
Uranium Immobilization for Sulfate-Reducing Biofilms
Alice C. Dohnakova, Rajesh K. Sani, James E. Amonette, Brent M. Peyton, Haluk Beyenal, Zbigniew Lewandowski
Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, Nº. 7, 2004, págs. 2067-2074
Victor A. Alva, Brent M. Peyton
Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, Nº. 19, 2003, págs. 4397-4402
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