Identificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
A participial infix construction of castern Arabia, an ancient prediasporic feature?
Clive Holes
Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam, ISSN 0334-4118, Nº. 38, 2011, págs. 75-98
Tanwin in the arabic dialects of eastern and south-eastern Arabia
Clive Holes
Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí, EDNA, ISSN 1137-7968, Nº. 8, 2004, págs. 89-97
The social motivation for phonological convergence in three Arabic dialects
Clive Holes
International journal of the sociology of language, ISSN 0165-2516, Nº. 61, 1986, págs. 33-52
Clive Holes
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics / coord. por Enam Al-Wer, Uri Horesh, 2019, ISBN 9781315722450, págs. 63-80
Reflexesof CLA qad an qalin the Arabic dialects of eastern and central Arabia
Clive Holes
Aspects of the dialects of arabic today: proceedings of the 4th Conference of the International Arabic Dialectology Association (AIDA), Marrakesh, Apr. 1-4. 2000 : in honour of Professor David Cohen / coord. por Abderrahim Youssi, 2002, ISBN 9954027203, págs. 88-97
Modern arabic: structures, functions and varieties
Clive Holes
Longman, 1995. ISBN 0582028841
Ha sido reseñado en:
Modern Arabic. Structures, Functions and Varieties. CLIVE HOLES. Longman, 1995.
TRANS: revista de traductología, ISSN-e 2603-6967, ISSN 1137-2311, Nº 2, 1998, págs. 185-185
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