Periodo de publicación recogido
United we stand or divided we stand?: Strategic supplier alliances under order default risk
Xiao Huang, Tamer Boyaci, Mehmet Gümüs, Saibal Ray, Dan Zhang
Management science: journal of the Institute for operations research and the management sciences, ISSN 0025-1909, Vol. 62, Nº. 5, 2016, págs. 1297-1315
Group selling, product durability, and consumer behavior
Yuhong He, Saibal Ray, Shuya Yin
Production and Operations Management, ISSN-e 1937-5956, Vol. 25, Nº. 11, 2016, págs. 1942-1957
Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees: Equilibrium Analysis of the Availability Verification Clause Under Demand Uncertainty
Arcan Nalca, Tamer Boyaci, Saibal Ray
Management science: journal of the Institute for operations research and the management sciences, ISSN 0025-1909, Vol. 59, Nº. 4, 2013, págs. 971-986
Tamer Boyaci, Saibal Ray
Quality control and applied statistics, ISSN 0033-5207, Vol. 52, Nº. 4, 2007, págs. 459-462
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