Periodo de publicación recogido
Standard language dynamics in postcolonial Suriname: measuring language attitudes and ideologies in Paramaribo
Anne Sophie Ghyselen, Stefan Grondelaers, Sita Doerga Misier Patadien, Usha Balesar
Lingua: International review of general linguistics, ISSN 0024-3841, Nº 273, 2022
How (in)coherent can standard languages be?: A perceptual perspective on co-variation
Stefan Grondelaers, Roeland Van Hout
Lingua: International review of general linguistics, ISSN 0024-3841, Nº 172-173, 2016, págs. 62-71
Production, perception and attitude. Introduction
John Nerbonne, Stefan Grondelaers, Dirk Speelman, Maria Pilar Perea Sabater
Dialectologia, ISSN-e 2013-2247, Nº. Extra 2, 2011, págs. 1-8
A profile-based calculation of region and register variation: the synchronic and diachronic status of the two main national varieties of Dutch
Dirk Speelman, Stefan Grondelaers, Dirk Geeraerts
Corpus linguistics around the world / Dawn Archer (ed. lit.), Paul Rayson (ed. lit.), Andrew Wilson (aut.), 2006, ISBN 978-90-420-1836-5, págs. 181-194
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