Área de conocimientoPeriodo de publicación recogido
The perfect storm: climate change and ancient Maya response in the Puuc Hills region of Yucatán
Michael P. Smyth, Nicholas P. Dunning, Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver, Philip van Beynen, David E. Ortegón Zapata
Antiquity, ISSN 0003-598X, Vol. 91, Nº 356, 2017, págs. 490-509
Reading the heavens: revelation and reification in the Astronomical Anthology for Wenceslas IV
Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver
Gesta, ISSN 0016-920X, Vol. 53, Nº. 1, 2014, págs. 73-94
William of Conches, Philosophical Continuous Narration, and the Limited Worlds of Medieval Diagrams
Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver
Studies in iconography, ISSN 0148-1029, Nº. 30, 2009, págs. 1-41
Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver
Alfonsine Astronomy: The Written Record / coord. por Matthieu Husson, José Chabás, Richard L. Kremer, 2022, ISBN 9782503595207, págs. 199-240
Beatrice E. Kitzinger, The Cross, the Gospels, and the Work of Art in the Carolingian Age
Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver (res.)
Speculum: A journal of medieval studies, ISSN 0038-7134, Nº. 3, 2021, págs. 844-846
Es reseña de:
The Cross, the Gospels, and the Work of Art in the Carolingian Age
Beatrice E. Kitzinger
Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press, 2018
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