Periodo de publicación recogido
Changing human-cattle relationships in Ireland: a 6000-year isotopic perspective
Eric J. Guiry, Fiona Beglane, Paul Szpak, Finbar McCormick, Mathew A. Teeter, Christina Cheung, Michael P. Richards
Antiquity, ISSN 0003-598X, Vol. 97, Nº 396, 2023, págs. 1436-1452
Animal Husbandry and Colonial Adaptive Behavior: Isotopic Insights from the La Belle Shipwreck Fauna
Eric J. Guiry, Bradford M. Jones, Susan DeFrance, James E. Bruseth, Jeffrey J. Durst, Michael Phillip Richards
Historical Archaeology, ISSN 0440-9213, Vol. 52, Nº. 4, 2018, págs. 684-699
The transition to agriculture in south-western Europe: new isotopic insights from Portugal's Atlantic coast
Eric J. Guiry, Maria Hillier, Rui Boaventura, Ana Maria Silva, Luiz Oosterbeek, Tiago Tomé, António Carlos Valera, João Luís Cardoso, Joseph C. Hepburn, Michael Phillip Richards
Antiquity, ISSN 0003-598X, Vol. 90, Nº 351, 2016, págs. 604-616
Mesolithic Dietary Heterogeneity on the European Atlantic Coastline: Stable Isotope Insights into Hunter-Gatherer Diet and Subsistence in the Sado Valley, Portugal
Eric J. Guiry, Maria Hillier, Michael Phillip Richards
Current anthropology: A world journal of the sciences of man, ISSN 0011-3204, Nº. 3, 2015, págs. 460-470
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