InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Death of a Revolution: Women’s Suffrage and Mugiquismo in the 1940 Election in Mexico
Stephanie Mitchell
Descentrada, ISSN-e 2545-7284, Vol. 7, Nº. 1, 2023
Women’s Suffrage in the Americas: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead
Stephanie Mitchell
Historia Regional, ISSN-e 2469-0732, ISSN 0329-8213, Nº. 49, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Segundo Cuatrimestre (Mayo-Agosto))
Revolutionary feminism, revolutionary politics: suffrage under cardenismo
Stephanie Mitchell
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 72, Nº. 3 (July), 2015, págs. 439-468
Stephanie Mitchell
Journal of Latin American Studies, ISSN 0022-216X, ISSN-e 1469-767X, Vol. 50, Nº. 1, 2018, págs. 219-221
Es reseña de:
Volunteering for a Cause: Gender, Faith, and Charity in Mexico from the Reform to the Revolution
Silvia Marina Arrom
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 2016
Stephanie Mitchell
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 73, Nº. 4 (October), 2016, págs. 525-527
Es reseña de:
Seen and heard in Mexico: children and revolutionary cultural nationalism
Elena Jackson Albarrán
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2015
Gabriela Cano, Se llamaba Elena Arizmendi (Mexico City: Tusquets Editores México, 2010)
Stephanie Mitchell
Journal of Latin American Studies, ISSN 0022-216X, ISSN-e 1469-767X, Vol. 43, Nº. 1, 2011, págs. 164-165
Es reseña de:
Se llamaba Elena Arizmendi
Gabriela Cano
Mexico City : Tusquets Editores México, 2010
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