InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Lawyers’ economics versus economic analysis of law: a critique of professor Posner’s “economic” approach to law by reference to a case concerning damages for loss of earning capacity
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 43, Nº 3, 2017, págs. 517-534
Berger, G./Wasserman, J. (Hrsg.), Vetternwirtschaft, Duncker & Humblot GmbH, 2011
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 39, Nº 3, 2015, págs. 625-625
Michael Stürner: Vollharmonisierung im Europäischen Verbraucherrecht?
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 39, Nº 3, 2015, págs. 627-627
Gilbert H. Gornig, Hans-Detlef Horn and Dietrich Murswiek (eds.): Eigentumsrecht und Enteignungsmacht
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 39, Nº 2, 2015, págs. 451-452
Giles Milton: Weißes Gold. Die außergewöhnliche Geschichte von Thomas Bellow und das Schicksal weißer Sklaven in Afrika
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 175-175
Andreas Bielig: Die Rolle des Geistigen Eigentums in der Wirtschaft, Theorie und Praxis
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 177-178
Thomas Eger, Stefan Oeter, Stefan Voigt (eds.): Economic analysis of international law
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 183-183
Firat Bilgel: The law and economics of organ procurement, European studies in law and economics
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 3, 2014, págs. 547-549
Henning Biermann: Verwaltungsmodernisierung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Grundlagen, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven; Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 3, 2014, págs. 551-551
Mohamed Cherkaoui: Morocco and the Sahara, social bonds and geopolitical issues
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 2, 2014, págs. 355-355
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 2, 2014, págs. 357-359
Konrad Walter: Rechtsfortbildung durch den EuGH, Eine rechtsmethodische Untersuchung ausgehend von der deutschen und französischen Methodenlehre
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 2, 2014, págs. 361-361
Jürgen Klosterhuis, Katte: Ordre und Kriegsartikel, Aktenanalytische und militärhistorische Aspekte einer “facheusen” Geschichte
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 37, Nº 2, 2014, págs. 363-363
Stefan Heinrich: Covenants als Alternative zum institutionellen Gläubigerschutz, Eine rechtsvergleichende und ökonomische Analyse; Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht, Band 228
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 35, Nº 1, 2013, págs. 145-145
Bengt-Arne Wickström: Öffentliche Finanzen, Fiskalwettbewerb, Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Wohlfahrt
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 35, Nº 1, 2013, págs. 147-147
Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider: Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union. Teil 2: Wirtschaftsverfassung mit Welthandelsordnung
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 33, Nº 3, 2012, págs. 701-702
Constantin Stefanou, Simone White, Helen Xanthaki: OLAF at the crossroads. Action against EU fraud, studies in international & comparative law: volume 7
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 33, Nº 3, 2012, págs. 703-703
Roel Westrick, Jeroen van der Weide: Party autonomy in international property law
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 233-233
Ulrich Thielemann: Wettbewerb als Gerechtigkeitskonzept, Kritik des Neoliberalismus
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 235-235
Joseph A. McCahery, Erik P. M. Vermeulen: Corporate governance of non-listed companies
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 237-238
Paul Lugard (ed.): The international competition network at ten. Origins, accomplishments and aspirations
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 413-413
Pamela Hölbling: Wie viel Staat vertragen Eltern? Systematische Entfaltung eines gestuften Maßnahmenkonzepts vor dem Hintergrund des Eltergrundrechts
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 415-415
Joseph A. Conti: Between law and diplomacy
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 417-417
Peter Michael Doralt: Rationality at work. Logics of collective action in the labour market
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 419-419
Robert Nehring: Kritik des Common Sense, Gesunder Menschenverstand, reflektierende Urteilskraft und Gemeinsinn: der Sensus communis bei Kant
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 421-421
Claudia Desogus: Competition and innovation in the eu regulation of pharmaceuticals, the case of parallel trade
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 423-423
Alexander Begert: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Kurkollegs. Von den Anfängen bis zum frühen 15. Jahrhundert
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 1-2
Reiner Schulze (ed): Compensation of Private Losses. The Evolution of Torts in European Business Law
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 9-9
Karl Digruber: Die Freimaurer und ihr Ritual, Theologisch-kirchenrechtliche Perspektiven
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 11-11
Sina Stamm: Eisenbahnverfassung und Bahnprivatisierung. Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 13-14
Christian Thiem: Die Länderkammer der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (1945–1958)
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 2012, págs. 15-15
Frank Hertweck and Dimitrios Kisoudis (eds.): Solange das Imperium da ist. Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 31, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 229-229
Pawel Chmielnicki: Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norm
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 31, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 231-231
Rudolf Richter, Erik G. Furubotn: Neue Institutionenökonomik
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 31, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 233-233
Martha M. Roggenkamp, Edwin Woerdman (eds.): Legal design of carbon capture and storage, developments in the Netherlands from an international and EU perspective, energy and law, volume 10
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 31, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 235-235
The law and economics of class actions
Jürgen Backhaus, Alberto Cassone, Giovanni Ramello
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 32, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 165-168
The law firm as an investment bank in class actions
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 32, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 225-228
Sandra S. Batie, Nicholas Mercuro (eds.): Alternative institutional structures, evolution and impact
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 30, Nº 3, 2010, págs. 301-302
Vanessa E. Munro, Marina della Giusta (eds.): Demanding sex; Critical reflections on the regulation of prostitution. Ashgate, UK, 2008, 216 pp
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 30, Nº 3, 2010, págs. 303-305
Ulrich Schwalbe, Daniel Zimmer: Law and economics in European merger control
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 30, Nº 1, 2010, págs. 73-74
Volkmar Gessner (ed): Contractual certainty in international trade: empirical studies and theoretical debates on institutional support for global economic exchanges. (Oñati International Series in Law and Society)
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 30, Nº 1, 2010, págs. 75-76
Five reviews in Law & Economics
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 27, Nº 1, 2009, págs. 53-58
Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Isabela Atanasiu (eds.): European Competition Law Annual 2005: The Interaction Between Competition, Law and Intellectual Property Rights, ISBN 13:978-1-84113-645-5, ISBN 10:1-84113-645-X
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 24, Nº 3, 2007, págs. 237-238
Einer Elhauge, Damien Geradin, Global Competition, Law and Economics
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 24, Nº 3, 2007, págs. 239-239
Consolidation of the Field: a Review Article
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 8, Nº 1, 1999, págs. 79-83
Christian Wolff on Subsidiarity, the Division of Labor, and Social Welfare
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 4, Nº 2-3, 1997, págs. 129-146
Codetermination in Germany, 1949–1956
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 3, Nº 4, 1996, págs. 369-372
On building a sovereign state from scratch: The law and economics of Theodor Herzl's programmatic work
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 3, Nº 2, 1996, págs. 127-130
L. M. P. Hauws, Thorsten Broecker, Geert Woltjer, Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 3, Nº 1, 1996, págs. 97-103
Comment on Roger Cotterrell “Sociological interpretations of legal development”
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 2, Nº 4, 1995, págs. 361-364
Jürgen Backhaus, Frank Stephen
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 2, Nº 4, 1995, págs. 393-394
Land and taxation and the corruption of economics
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 1995, págs. 251-253
Assessing the performance of public enterprises: A public-choice approach
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 1, Nº 4, 1994, págs. 275-287
The economic functions of supreme auditing institutions: Purpose of the conference
Jürgen Backhaus
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 1, Nº 2, 1994, págs. 81-84
The purpose of theEuropean Journal of Law and Economics and the intentions of its editors
Jürgen Backhaus, F. H. Stephen
European journal of law and economics, ISSN 0929-1261, Vol. 1, Nº 1, 1994, págs. 5-7
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