Periodo de publicación recogido
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 403
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 403
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, págs. 403-404
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 404
Music Notation Software Formats
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, págs. 404-406
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 405
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 406
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2002, págs. 406-407
Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 59, Nº 1, 2002, págs. 99-100
Interactive multimedia and software reviews
Nym Cooke, Stephen Davison
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 56, Nº 2, 1999, págs. 460-461
Interactive multimedia and software reviews
Stephen Davison, Camilla Cai
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 56, Nº 2, 1999, págs. 462-464
Stephen Davison, Mark Germer
Notes: Quarterly journal of the music library, ISSN 0027-4380, Vol. 50, Nº 3, 1994, págs. 982-983
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