InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Optimal sizing of an embedded electrical system with an approach for limiting the search space
H. Nguyen Huu, N. Retiere, F. Wurtz, X. Roboam, B. Sareni, D. Aléjo
Compel: International journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, ISSN 0332-1649, Vol. 28, Nº 5 (Special Issue: Selected Papers from OIPE 2008), 2009, págs. 1141-1154
Automatic differentiation for electromagnetic models used in optimization
P. Enciu, F. Wurtz, L. Gerbaud, B. Delinchant
Compel: International journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, ISSN 0332-1649, Vol. 28, Nº 5 (Special Issue: Selected Papers from OIPE 2008), 2009, págs. 1313-1326
An optimizer using the software component paradigm for the optimization of engineering systems
B. Delinchant, D. Duret, L. Estrabaut, L. Gerbaud, H. Nguyen Huu, B. Du Peloux, H.L. Rakotoarison, F. Verdiere, F. Wurtz
Compel: International journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, ISSN 0332-1649, Vol. 26, Nº 2 (Selected papers from the 9th Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Sorr), 2007, págs. 368-379
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