InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Contradiction and Paradox in the Mystical Hermeneutics of Ibn ʿArabi̅’s Fusu̅s Al-Hikam:: the Chapters of YaʿQu̅b, Hu̅d, Sa̅lih and Luqma̅n
Ismail Lala
Maghreb review: Majallat al-Maghrib, ISSN 0309-457X, Vol. 46, Nº. 3, 2021
Ibn 'Arabi and the Guarded Tablet ('Al-Lawh al-Mahfuz')
Ismail Lala
Maghreb review: Majallat al-Maghrib, ISSN 0309-457X, Vol. 46, Nº. 1, 2021, págs. 67-84
Outpourers and Receptacles: the Emergence of The Cosmos in the Sufi Thought Of Muhyi̅y Al-Di̅n Ibn ‘Arabi̅ and ‘Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Qa̅sha̅ni̅
Ismail Lala
Maghreb review: Majallat al-Maghrib, ISSN 0309-457X, Vol. 44, Nº. 2, 2019, págs. 223-271
'Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Qashani's (D. 736/1335?) Sufi hermeneutics in Ta'wilat Al-Qur'an: the Basmala as a case study
Ismail Lala
Maghreb review: Majallat al-Maghrib, ISSN 0309-457X, Vol. 42, Nº. 3, 2017, págs. 329-369
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