Periodo de publicación recogido
Optimal Tuning Widths in Population Coding of Periodic Variables
Stefano Panzeri, Marcelo A. Montemurro
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 18, Nº 7, 2006, págs. 1555-1576
Data-Robust Tight Lower Bounds to the Information Carried by Spike Times of a Neuronal Population
Stefano Panzeri, R.S. Petersen, A. Thiele, M.P. Young, G. Pola
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 17, Nº 9, 2005, págs. 1962-2005
On Decoding the Responses of a Population of Neurons from Short Time Windows
Alessandro Treves, Stefano Panzeri, Simon Schultz, Edmund Rolls
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 11, Nº 7, 1999, pág. 1553
On Decoding the Responses of a Population of Neurons from Short Time Windows
Stefano Panzeri, Alessandro Treves
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 11, Nº 7, 1999, págs. 1553-1577
On Decoding the Responses of a Population of Neurons from Short Time Windows
Alessandro Treves, Simon Schultz, Stefano Panzeri, Edmund Rolls
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 11, Nº 7, 1999, págs. 1553-1577
Edward A. Wakeman, Michael Booth, Edmund Rolls, Alessandro Treves, Stefano Panzeri, Dan Ruderman
Neural computation, ISSN 0899-7667, Vol. 11, Nº 3, 1999, págs. 601-631
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