Identificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
Rome à la campagne: les décors en pierre de la villa de la Grande Boussue à Nouvelles (Mons, Belgique)
Catherine Coquelet, Roland Dreesen, Eric Goemaere, Éric Leblois, Marie-Thérèse Raepsaet-Charlier
Gallia: Archéologie de la France antique, ISSN 0016-4119, Vol. 80, Nº. 2, 2023, págs. 145-178
'Where does your Saddle Quern come from?': Grinding in the Contemporary Province of Limburg (BE) during the Iron Age
Else Hartoch, Tatjana Gluhak, Roland Dreesen, Eric Goemaere
The exploitation of raw materials in prehistory: sourcing, processing and distribution / Nuno Bicho (ed. lit.), Telmo Pereira (ed. lit.), Xavier Terradas Batlle (ed. lit.), 2017, ISBN 1-5275-0523-5, págs. 205-221
Maastricht limestone: A regionally significant building stone in Belgium and The Netherlands. Extremely weak, yet time-resistant
C. Wim Dubelaar, Michiel Dusar, Roland Dreesen, Werner M. Felder, Timo G. Nijland
Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation / coord. por Antonio Ruiz-Conde, María Arjonilla Álvarez, Pedro J. Sánchez Soto, Guadalupe Durán Domínguez, José Carlos Rivero Cabello, Vol. 1, 2006, ISBN 0-415-40150-X, pág. 9
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