Aclaración de materia/profesión
Identificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
The "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala: historical and cultural framework
María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual, Simona Tardi, Cristina Expósito de Vicente, Sergio Ferrero Gil, Rafael Garay Peset, Miguel Ángel García Oliver, Juan Manuel Gil Bordallo, Juan Carlos Izquierdo Garay, Giovanni Cavallo, Rita Pagiotti
Drugs, colors and aromatics: Tradition and innovation in the "materia medica" of Italian Baroque: studies from the "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala / coord. por María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual, Giovanni Cavallo, Rita Pagiotti, 2021, ISBN 9788855231350, págs. 17-40
Tracking back to antiquity: the gems identified in Santa Maria della Scala in historical perspective
Giovanni Cavallo
Drugs, colors and aromatics: Tradition and innovation in the "materia medica" of Italian Baroque: studies from the "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala / coord. por María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual, Giovanni Cavallo, Rita Pagiotti, 2021, ISBN 9788855231350, págs. 103-112
The therapeutic salts conserved at Santa Maria della Scala, Rome: identification, medicinal properties and cultural uses thorough the centuries
Giovanni Cavallo, María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual
Drugs, colors and aromatics: Tradition and innovation in the "materia medica" of Italian Baroque: studies from the "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala / coord. por María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual, Giovanni Cavallo, Rita Pagiotti, 2021, ISBN 9788855231350, págs. 195-213
The Geo-Mineralogical Approach in Ochre Provenance Studies
Giovanni Cavallo, Maria Pia Riccardi, Roberto Zorzin
The exploitation of raw materials in prehistory: sourcing, processing and distribution / Nuno Bicho (ed. lit.), Telmo Pereira (ed. lit.), Xavier Terradas Batlle (ed. lit.), 2017, ISBN 1-5275-0523-5, págs. 560-571
Drugs, colors and aromatics: Tradition and innovation in the "materia medica" of Italian Baroque: studies from the "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala
coord. por María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual, Giovanni Cavallo, Rita Pagiotti
Aboca Museum, 2021. ISBN 9788855231350
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