Periodo de publicación recogido
National constitutional identity as a tool for protecting the autonomy of the EU legal order: Costello v. The Government of Ireland : [a comment on] [2022] IESC 44, Judgment of the Supreme Court of Ireland, 11 November 2022
Ruairi O'Neill
Common market law review, ISSN 0165-0750, Vol. 60, Nº 5, 2023, págs. 1453-1474
Effet utile and the (re)organisation of national judiciaries: A not so unique institutional response to a uniquely important challenge?
Ruairi O'Neill
European Law Journal, ISSN-e 1468-0386, Vol. 27, Nº. 1-3, 2021 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Between Ought and Is: European integration through the rule of law), págs. 240-261
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