Periodo de publicación recogido
Nonparametric estimation of mean-squared prediction error in nested-error regression models
P. Hall, T. Maiti
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 34, Nº 4, 2006, págs. 1733-1750
Nonparametric methods for inference in the presence of instrumental variables
J. L. Horowitz, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 33, Nº 6, 2005, págs. 2904-2929
Testing for monotone increasing hazard rate
P. Hall, Ingrid Van Keilegom
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 33, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 1109-1137
Approximating conditional distribution functions using dimension reduction
Q. Yao, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 33, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 1404-1421
Bandwidth choice for nonparametric classification
K.-H. Kang, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 2005, págs. 284-306
Wavelet-based estimation with multiple sampling rates
S. Penev, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 32, Nº 5, 2004, págs. 1933-1956
Attributing a probability to the shape of a probability density
H. Ooi, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 32, Nº 5, 2004, págs. 2098-2123
Bump hunting with non-Gaussian kernels
M. C. Minnotte, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 32, Nº 5, 2004, págs. 2124-2141
I. Molchanov, P. Hall
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 31, Nº 3, 2003, págs. 921-941
New methods for bias correction at endpoints and boundaries
P. Hall, B. U. Park
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 30, Nº 5, 2002, págs. 1460-1479
Nonparametric kernel regression subject to monotonicity constraints
P. Hall, L.-S. Huang
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 29, Nº 3, 2001, págs. 624-647
Tracking a smooth fault line in a response surface
P. Hall, C. Rau
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 28, Nº 3, 2000, págs. 713-733
Testing for monotonicity of a regression mean by calibrating for linear functions
P. Hall, N. E. Heckman
Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, Vol. 28, Nº 1, 2000, págs. 20-39
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