Identificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
The nahuatization of Paul in "La conversión de San Pablo"
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 56, Nº 1, 2004, págs. 7-44
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 52, Nº 2, 2000, págs. 113-165
Reconvering the Theater of Medieval Spain (and Europe): the Islamic Evidence
Charlotte Stern
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures & Cultures, ISSN 0193-3892, Vol. 27, Nº 2, 1999, págs. 119-154
The Medieval Theater: Replacing the Darwinian Model
Charlotte Stern
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures & Cultures, ISSN 0193-3892, Vol. 24, Nº 2, 1996, págs. 166-178
El teatro de Cervantes (review)
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 46, Nº 1, 1994, págs. 129-131
The Dances of the Processions of Seville in Spain's Golden Age (review)
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 44, Nº 1, 1992, págs. 163-165
A Nativity Play for the Catholic Monarchs
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 43, Nº 1, 1991, págs. 71-100
Calderón in the German Lands and the Low Countries: His Reception and Influence (review)
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 40, Nº 2, 1988, págs. 249-252
Two early allusions to Celestina
Charlotte Stern
Celestinesca, ISSN-e 2695-7183, ISSN 0147-3085, Vol. 12, Nº 2, 1988, págs. 61-64
The Etymology of Spanish villancico 'Carol'; Certain Literary Implications of this Etymology
Yakov Malkiel, Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of Hispanic studies, ISSN 0007-490X, Vol. 61, Nº. 2, 1984, págs. 137-150
Dulcinea, Aldonza, and the Theory of Speech Acts
Charlotte Stern
Hispania, ISSN 0018-2133, Vol. 67, Nº 1, 1984 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Homage to Donald W. Bleznick), págs. 61-73
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 34, Nº 1, 1982, págs. 1-36
Yet Another Look at Encina and the Egloga Interlocutoria
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 1981, págs. 47-61
The Comic Spirit in Diego de Avila's Egloga interlocutoria
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 29, Nº 2, 1977, págs. 62-75
The "Coplas de Mingo Revulgo" and the early spanish drama
Charlotte Stern
Hispanic review, ISSN-e 1553-0639, Vol. 44, Nº 4, 1976, págs. 331-332
Minutes of the 1974 Meeting of the Comediantes
Charlotte Stern
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 27, Nº 1, 1975, págs. 64-64
D. W. McPheeters, Estudios humanísticos sobre «La Celestina»
Charlotte Stern (res.)
Celestinesca, ISSN-e 2695-7183, ISSN 0147-3085, Vol. 10, Nº 2, 1986, págs. 49-50
Es reseña de:
Estudios humanísticos sobre «La Celestina»
D. W. McPheeters
Potomac, Md : Scripta Humanística, 1985
The medieval theater in Castile
Charlotte Stern
Binghamton, N.Y. : Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996. ISBN 0866981969
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