Periodo de publicación recogido
Privacy and Freedom of Expression: An Interesting Tale from the UK
Gordon Anthony
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 30, Nº 1, 2018 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Freedom of Expression: Limitations and Prospects / Liberté d’expression : limitations et perspectives), págs. 135-154
Laudatio: Prof. José Manuel Sérvulo Correia
Gordon Anthony
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 27, Nº 1, 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: New challenges to democracy = Noueveaux défis à la démocratie), págs. 605-607
Northern Ireland: Law, Politics, and the 'Problem of the Past'
Gordon Anthony, Luke Moffett
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 20, Nº. 3, 2014, págs. 395-406
Article 6 ECHR, Civil Rights, and the Enduring Role of the Common Law
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 19, Nº. 1, 2013, págs. 75-96
Gordon Anthony
Common market law review, ISSN 0165-0750, Vol. 48, Nº 2, 2011, págs. 569-579
The Devolution of Policing and Criminal Justice
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 17, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 197-211
The St Andrews Agreement and the Northern Ireland Assembly
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 14, Nº. 2, 2008, págs. 151-164
Coroners, controversial deaths, and Northern Ireland's past conflict
Marny Requa, Gordon Anthony
Public law, ISSN 0033-3565, Nº 3 (Autumn), 2008, págs. 443-451
Human Rights in Northern Ireland After "In Re McKerr"
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 11, Nº. 1, 2005, págs. 5-16
Northern Ireland / Irlande du Nord
Gordon Anthony, John Morison
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 17, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 1197-1230
Public Law, Pluralism, and Religion in Europe: Accommodating the Challenge of Globalisation
Gordon Anthony
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 17, Nº 1, 2005, págs. 47-73
Clustered convergence?: European fundamental rights standards in Irish and UK public law
Gordon Anthony
Public law, ISSN 0033-3565, Nº 2 (Summer), 2004, págs. 283-304
Gordon Anthony
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 15, Nº 4, 2003, págs. 1171-1198
Public Law Litigation and the Belfast Agreement
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 8, Nº. 3, 2002, págs. 401-422
Gordon Anthony
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 12, Nº 2, 2000, págs. 771-797
Community Law and the Development of UK Administrative Law: Delimiting the 'Spill-Over' Effect
Gordon Anthony
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 4, Nº. 2, 1998, págs. 253-276
The Role of Judges in the Formation of Public Law: Activism or Autolimitation?: United Kingdom
Gordon Anthony, John Morison
Revue europeenne de droit public = European review of public law = Eur. Zeitschrift des offtl. Rechts = Rivista europea di diritto pubblico, ISSN 1105-1590, Vol. 10, Nº 3, 1998, págs. 977-1004
Administrative procedure and public decision-making in the United Kingdom
Gordon Anthony
Droit comparé de la procédure administrative / Jean-Bernard Auby (dir.), Thomas Perroud (col.), 2016, ISBN 978-2-8027-4408-5, págs. 137-148
Administrative silence - United Kingdom
Gordon Anthony
Droit comparé de la procédure administrative / Jean-Bernard Auby (dir.), Thomas Perroud (col.), 2016, ISBN 978-2-8027-4408-5, págs. 713-726
Administrative appeals in the United Kingdom
Gordon Anthony
Droit comparé de la procédure administrative / Jean-Bernard Auby (dir.), Thomas Perroud (col.), 2016, ISBN 978-2-8027-4408-5, págs. 807-817
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