InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Zivotofsky ex rel. Zivotofsky v. Kerry. 135 S.Ct. 2076
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
American Journal of International Law, ISSN 0002-9300, Vol. 109, Nº 3, 2015, págs. 636-642
The Normalization of Foreign Relations Law
Ganesh Sitaraman, Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
Harvard law review, ISSN 0017-811X, Vol. 128, Nº 7, 2015, págs. 1899-1979
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.: The Supreme Court and the Alien Tort Statute
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
American Journal of International Law, ISSN 0002-9300, Vol. 107, Nº. 3, 2013, págs. 601-621
Foreign Official Immunity: Invocation, Purpose, Exceptions
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht = Revue suisse de droit international et droit européen, ISSN 1019-0406, Vol. 23, Nº 2, 2013, págs. 207-223
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
American Journal of International Law, ISSN 0002-9300, Vol. 106, Nº 4, 2012, págs. 731-768
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
German Law Journal, ISSN-e 2071-8322, Vol. 10, Nº. 10, 2009 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Contributions to the German Law Journal's 10th Anniversary Symposium "The Transnationalization of Legal Cultures"), págs. 1336-1340
The Dangers of Deference: International Claim Settlement by the President
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
Harvard international law journal, ISSN 0017-8063, Vol. 44, Nº 1, 2003, págs. 1-64
International Law in the U.S. Legal System
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth
American Journal of International Law, ISSN 0002-9300, Vol. 108, Nº. 1, 2014, págs. 116-123
Es reseña de:
International law in the U.S. legal system
Curtis A. Bradley
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2013
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