Periodo de publicación recogido
Loanword marking as a mechanism of structural change
Natalie Operstein
Italian journal of linguistics, ISSN 1120-2726, Vol. 31, Nº. 1, 2019, págs. 149-192
The making of the Dictionnaire de la langue franque
Natalie Operstein
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, ISSN-e 1865-9063, ISSN 0049-8661, Vol. 134, Nº 4, 2018, págs. 1114-1153
The syntactic structures of Lingua Franca in the Dictionnaire de la langue franque
Natalie Operstein
Italian journal of linguistics, ISSN 1120-2726, Vol. 29, Nº. 2, 2017, págs. 87-130
A new look at old problem: on the origin of the pronominal augment-NE
Natalie Operstein
Romance notes, ISSN 0035-7995, Vol. 52, Nº. 2, 2012, págs. 235-242
Golden Age "Poesía de negros" and Orlando di Lasso's "Moresche": a Possible Connection
Natalie Operstein
Romance notes, ISSN 0035-7995, Vol. 52, Nº. 1, 2012, págs. 13-18
Comentario de Natalie Operstein
Natalie Operstein
UniverSOS: revista de lenguas indígenas y universos culturales, ISSN 1698-6083, Nº. 4, 2007, págs. 49-52
Late Affrication of <c> and <z>: evidence from Spanish Loans in Zapotec and Trique
Natalie Operstein
Romance notes, ISSN 0035-7995, Vol. 43, Nº. 2, 2003, págs. 147-152
Stump, Gregory (2016) Inflectional paradigms: Content and form at the syntax-morphology interface
Natalie Operstein
Studies in language: International Journal Sponsored by The Foundation "Foundations of Language", ISSN 0378-4177, Vol. 42, Nº 4, 2018, págs. 994-998
Es reseña de:
Inflectional paradigms: Content and form at the syntax-morphology interface
Gregory Stump
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