Sylloge of defixiones from the Roman west: a comprehensive collection of curse tablets from the fourth century BCE to the fifth century CE
BAR Publishing, 2022.
ISBN 9781407359311.
Blame it on the gender: identities and transgressions in antiquity
María Cristina de la Escosura Balbás (ed. lit.), Elena Duce Pastor (ed. lit.), Patricia González Gutiérrez (ed. lit.), María del Mar Rodríguez Alcocer (ed. lit.), David Serrano Lozano (ed. lit.)
BAR Publishing, 2022.
ISBN 978-1-4073-5735-5.
BAR International Series, 3005.
La Edad del Hierro en el Alto Duero (siglos VII a.n.e. – I n.e.): paisajes, identidades y poder
BAR Publishing, 2022.
ISBN 978-1-4073-5933-5.
BAR International Series, 3075.
Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 2
coord. por Giocondaca Di Luca, Alessia Gonfloni; Armando Cristilli (ed. lit.), Fabio De Luca (ed. lit.)
BAR Publishing, 2022.
La Cultura de los Silos en los yacimientos de "ElTrobal" y "La Esparragosa" (Cádiz, España)
BAR Publishing, 2022.
ISBN 9781407360171.
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