Manuel Chust Calero (ed. lit.), Claudia Rosas Lauro (ed. lit.)
El Bicentenario de la Independencia del Perú se aproxima. Por ello, más allá del tono celebratorio y conmemorativo que comporta la efeméride, los editores de este libro han convocado a un nutrido grupo de especialistas en esta temática, la mayoría jóvenes investigadores, para profundizar en el estudio de la independencia peruana como un proceso histórico revolucionario. Es decir, con avances, con retrocesos, con contradicciones, con singularidades, con lugares comunes, con realidades históricas regionales diversas...
El Bicentenari de la Independència del Perú s'aproxima. Per això, més enllà de la celebració i la commemoració que comporta l'efemèride, els editors d'aquest llibre han convocat a un nodrit grup d'especialistes en aquesta temàtica, la majoria d'ells joves investigadors, per a aprofundir en l'estudi de la independència peruana com un procés històric revolucionari, amb avanços, amb reculades, amb contradiccions, amb singularitats, amb llocs comuns, amb realitats històriques regionals diverses...
Three countries maintained intensive slavery for production purposes until very late in the century of progress: the United States (1865), Cuba (1886) and Brazil (1888). The expansion of slavery after 1800 was part of a renewed international division of labour that went hand in hand with the expansion of a capitalism, using different forms of work to exploit large regions. In the second age of slavery, modern technology was used on big plantations for production and transportation and Cuba was one of its most advanced exponents. This book focuses on the world of plantations, the process of conquest and transformation of the geographical area to be used for agricultural purposes, as well as the conditions in which slavery took root and developed during the long nineteenth century.
The studies collected here cover the sugar and coffee plantations and the tobacco vegas. They question the impact of transformations in the natural environment, address the social construction of the Crown, research alternative agricultural projects, bring us closer to the consolidation of property through the adoption of units of measurement and the development of the profession of surveyor and tell us about the impact of mercantile naval traffic on the Bay of Havana. They deal with slave insurance companies and their links to American capital, manumissions comparing Cuba and Brazil, the African background of the practices of urban women, the employment of urban slaves in constructive tasks, reform and utilitarianism in the abolitionist debate.
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