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Resumen de Discourses in co(n)text: the many faces of specialised discourse

Magdalena Zabielska (ed. lit.), Emilia Wasikiewicz-Firlej (ed. lit.), Anna Szcezepaniak-Kozak (ed. lit.)

  • This book features contributions addressing the area of specialised and professional discourse analysis at both the micro- and macro-levels. It offers analyses of the language of medicine, sports, bureaucratic forms, and advertisements, and academic language. Throughout the volume, specialised discourse is approached from a variety of linguistic, literary and cultural perspectives, as well as from those of content analysis, discourse analysis, membership categorisation devices, and semantic/pragmatic analysis. All the chapters here are of undoubted importance in their own rights, but the value of this volume lies particularly in its holistic view on specialised and professional discourse, specifically in the way it examines both their co-texts and contexts, on the one hand, and the practical applicability of discourse analyses and the potential to create connections with other disciplines on the other.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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