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Perceptions of El Greco in 2014

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  • THE 400th ANNIVERSARY OF DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS' DEATH has been commemorated all over Europe and the US. The country that has done the most on the occasion was undoubtedly Spain. Three major exhibitions, two in the city of Toledo and one at the Prado and two international conferences, one in Madrid and one in Toledo, together with dozens of small events and minor exhibitions all over the country paid tribute to the Greek who spent the second half of his life in Castile producing, together with a very personal religious imagery, some unconformable works that have become, with the passage of the centuries, emblematic images of European culture.

    This Greek, proclaiming so loudly his identity, going so far as to create a sort of continuum between the ancient past and its 16th century forms of existence ("mis padres griegos"), has been honoured by official and unofficial Spain during 2014 to a degree unheard of even in the case of legitimate children Hispania's like Velazquez or Goya. More would have been impossible to accomplish when you consider that the nuns of Toledo created special mazapanes to commemorate his memory. The decision by the Greek Minister of Culture, Mr. Pavlos Geroulanos, to proclaim 2014 as "Year dedicated to Domenikos Theotokopoulos" and the decision by the directors of five major Greek museums to coordinate their efforts and organize five simultaneous exhibitions and two international congresses had as a final result the exhibition Domenikos Theotokopoulos between Venice and Rome at the Historical Museum of Crete (21st of June-15th of October 2014) which was transferred to the Benaki Museum / Pireos 138 in Athens (list of November 2014-1st of March 2015) with some significant changes and the exhibition Friends and Patrons of El Greco in Toledo at the main building of the Benaki Museum of Greek Culture. The Byzantine Museum organized the exhibition Domenikos Theotokopoulos "Before El Greco" (3rd of December 2014-31st of March 2015). Finally, two international conferences were held: one by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies (SCHS) and the Municipality of Heraklion at the Historical Museum of Crete (11-13 of June 2014) entitled "El Greco: The Cretan Years" and one by the Benaki Museum in Athens entitled "Domenikos Theotokopoulos: From Crete, to Venice, to Rome, to Toledo" (21-23 of November 2014).

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