Ha sido reseñado en:
Sarah Knight – Emma Annette Wilson (eds.), 'The European Contexts of Ramism', Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, 353 pp.
Rafael Ramis Barceló
Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía, ISSN 0211-2337, Vol. 37, Nº 2, 2020, págs. 337-338
Ramus and Humanist Pedagogy in the Language Arts
Judith Rice Henderson
págs. 15-66
Ramus and Agricola
Marc Van Der Poel
págs. 67-108
The International Nature of Britannic Ramism
Emma Annette Wilson
págs. 109-132
Ramus and the Teaching of Mathematics
Isabelle Pantin
págs. 133-152
Teacher, Rival, Martyr: Ramus in French Literature and Thought
Sarah Knight
págs. 153-186
‘Reduced to Order’ and ‘Just for Show’? Ramus, Print and Visual Aesthetic
Raphael Hallett
págs. 187-216
Ramism in Scandinavia
Gunnar Harðarson
págs. 217-254
The Reception and the Influence of Ramism in Iberia
Alfonso Martín Jiménez
págs. 255-284
Hungarian and Transylvanian Ramism
Gábor Kecskeméti
págs. 285-330
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