Envisioned as a much needed celebration of the massive strides made in translation and interpreting studies, this eclectic volume takes stock of the latest cutting-edge research that exemplifies how translation and interpreting might interact with such topics as power, ideological discourse, representation, hegemony and identity.
In this exciting volume, we have articles from different language combinations (e.g. Arabic, English, Hungarian and Chinese) and from a wide range of sociopolitical, cultural, and institutional contexts and geographical locales (China, Iran, Malaysia, Russia and Nigeria). Those chapters also draw on a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches (e.g. critical discourse analysis, Bourdieu’s sociological theories, corpus linguistics, narrative theory and structuration theory), focusing on translation and interpreting relating to various settings and specialised genres (traditional media, digital media, subtitling, manga, etc.). As such, this volume serves as a dynamic forum for intercultural and interlingual communication and an exciting arena for interdisciplinary dialogues, thus enabling us to look beyond the traditionally more static, mechanical and linguistics-oriented views of translation and interpreting.
This book appeals to scholars and students interested in translation and interpreting studies and issues of power, ideology, identity in interlingual and intercultural communication.
Interpreters as key agents in reframing interwar power relations: the Paris Peace Conference as narrative turning point
págs. 1-16
págs. 17-33
págs. 32-48
Translation: reinforcing or challenging hegemony? Reflections on a structurationist approach to power and hegemony
págs. 49-64
Translating Nigeria: Reconceptualizing Nigerian Fiction in French Translations
págs. 65-79
págs. 80-94
(Un)biased exegetes: "Moderate Islamism" and the reframing of Islam and the Muslim world in the aftermath of 9/11, 2001
págs. 95-109
Domesticating’ Saudi Arabia: news ‘transediting’, representations and power negotiation
págs. 110-127
Russia and Vladimir Putin framed on China’s video-sharing platform Bilibili: an analysis of strategic audio-visual narratives
págs. 128-146
Hedging in interpreted speech: Cognitive hedges in English and Hungarian interpreting
págs. 147-164
Reframing Arabic metaphorical expressions in English subtitles: the case of Noom El Talat
págs. 165-179
Celestial Bodies: a case of reframing Omani realities through translation
págs. 180-192
Translating ‘Nation’ in Late Qing China: the discourse and power of nation in the remaking of Chinese society, 1895-1911
págs. 193-208
págs. 209-222
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