De l’1 de març de 2003 al 28 de febrer de 2006, es va dur a terme el projecte europeu “From the Adoption of Agriculture to the Current Landscape: long term interaction between Men and Environment in the East Mediterranean Basin (MENMED)” (INCO-MED-ICA3-CT-2002-10022). El seu principal objecte d’estudi ha estat l’interacció entre les comunitats humanes i el medi natural de diferentes jaciments arqueològics de la vall mitjana de l’Eufrates i de la vall de l’Orontes associats als orígens de l’agricultura (ara fa uns 10.000 anys), fins a l’anàlisi de les condicions de l’estatus agroecològic i de l’estructura social de la regió que envolta avui dia aquests assentaments
From 1st March 2003 to 28th February 2006, a research consortium has been created to realise the European Project “From the Adoption of Agriculture to the Current Landscape: long term interaction between Men and Environment in the East Mediterranean Basin (MENMED)” (INCO-MED-ICA3-CT-2002- 10022). The project aims to integrate biophysical and historical data of the first settlements to evolve in early agriculture (from 10.000 years ago), and the agricultural and socio-economic processes taking place in present times, from several archaeological sites of the Middle Euphrates and Orontes valleys.
págs. 15-20
Akarçay Tepe and Tell Halula: palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
págs. 23-28
págs. 29-33
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction: the results of carbon isotope composition (δ13c) in charred wood
págs. 35-37
Changes in the use of cereals on the Euphrates sites between11,500 and 7,800 b.C. Cal
George Willcox, Sandra Fornite, Linda Herveux, Kenichi Tanno
págs. 41-44
Evidence for plant exploitation from PPNB and PN sites in the middle Euphrates valley: new data from Akarçay Tepe (Turkey)
págs. 45-48
Reconstruction of agronomic conditions: the results of carbonisotope composition (δ13c) in charred crop grains
págs. 49-51
A privileg area to know the first farming societies: the neolithic in the Euphrates Valley
Nur Balkan-Atli, Walter Cruells, Anna Gómez Bach, Miquel Molist i Montañà, Mihriban Özbasaran
págs. 55-63
Lithic tools and agriculture in the Middle-Euphrates Valley during the second half of the VIIIth millenniumcal. B.C.: new data from Tell Halula (Syria) and Akarçay Tepe (Turkey)
págs. 65-69
Estimation of nutritional status, population and health conditions: demographic and human spatial distribution in Tell Halula
págs. 71-72
Studying the δ13c and δ18o results from bioapatite enamel of gazelle (gazella subgutturosa) in PPNB Tellhalula Site (Syria, Middle Eufrathes Valley) during 7800 – 7000 cal. B.C.: climatic conditions and vegetal landscape data
págs. 73-81
págs. 83-92
págs. 93-104
págs. 107-140
págs. 141-151
págs. 153-163
págs. 167-169
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