Anatolian studies are currently flourishing, in all their linguistic, epigraphic and archaeological dimensions, with the incorporation of new young scholars, new discoveries, and different perspectives of analysis that enrich and deepen this wide-ranging and interdisciplinary field of study. This is why we are pleased to offer the present volume, which is not only devoted to the Anatolian divinities but also explores some very interesting linguistic and epigraphic novelties in the Anatolian languages. Written by relevant scholars working in the field, the articles in this volume cover a broad chronological spectrum from the second and first millennia BC.
págs. 15-32
Hittite Divinities of the Underworld and the Night Goddess of Šamuḫa: An interpretation from their hybrid cosmological background
págs. 33-53
págs. 55-101
págs. 103-118
H. Craig Melchert
págs. 119-135
Good gods and evil gods: the role of Hittite deities through their epithets
págs. 137-164
págs. 165-183
págs. 185-203
págs. 205-215
Apollo Tyrimnos: origin, names, attributes, and cult of the patron god of Thyateira
págs. 217-238
págs. 239-261
Xenophon of Ephesus, Ephesiaca 1.2.2-9: a real pompe?
págs. 263-279
págs. 281-299
págs. 301-320
Zeus of Labraunda and his epicleses: a chronological distribution
págs. 321-351
págs. 353-374
Give a god a bad name and beg him: the Lycian theonym Σουμενδις/Σομενδις
págs. 375-390
págs. 391-403
págs. 405-436
págs. 437-452
págs. 453-482
págs. 483-496
págs. 497-509
págs. 511-530
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