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Resumen de New Heuristics for Planning with Action Costs

Emil Ragip Keyder

  • Classical planning is the problem of nding a sequence of actions that take an agent from an initial state to a desired goal situation, assuming deterministic outcomes for actions and perfect information. Satis cing planning seeks to quickly nd low-cost solutions with no guarantees of optimality. The most effective approach for satisfacing planning has proved to be heuristic search using non-admissible heuristics. In this thesis, we introduce several such heuristics that are able to take into account costs on actions, and therefore try to minimize the more general metric of cost, rather than length, of plans, and investigate their properties and performance. In addition, we show how the problem of planning with soft goals can be compiled into a classical planning problem with costs, a setting in which cost-sensitive heuristics such as those presented here are essential.

Fundación Dialnet

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