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Resumen de Relació entre les habilitats de processament fonològic (llengua catalana i castellana) i les habililtats de processament ortogràfic (llengua anglesa) en nens i nenes dislèctics d'entre 8 i 14 anys

Catalina Riembau Serra

  • Improving linguistic competence in a foreign language for all students and ensuring school success is one of the priority lines of action of the Catalan offensive to favour school success (2013).

    Various pieces of research support the fact that learning a foreign language is a challenge for a dyslexic person (Nijakowska, 2010; Schneider & Crombie, 2003) and is often a challenge for the teaching staff, responsible for adapting the curriculum to the needs of each student (Schneider & Crombie, 2003; Nijakowska, 2016). Phonological and orthographic processing, essential for the development of linguistic skill, are two of the critical abilities for learning to read and write in English as a FL (Jiménez, 2012).

    In view of the above considerations, the main objective of this piece of research was to look in greater depth at the relationship between phonological processing abilities and orthogra-phic processing abilities in three languages with different writing systems in terms of their transparency/opacity (Catalan, Spanish and English). We based the research on two of the main explanatory theories that have driven studies on the relationship between reading skills and writing skills in L1 and L2 or FL: the Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis (Cummins, 1981, 1998) and the theory of orthographic depth (Katz & Frost, 1992).

    To do so, we administered a battery tasks to assess the phonological processing abilities (phonemic awareness, reading pseudowords and repetition of pseudowords) and the ortho-graphic processing abilities (reading homophones, the choice of homophones/pseudo-homophones, orthographic fluency in the three languages and expressive orthographic co-ding) of children aged between 8 and 14 with a diagnosis of evolutionary dyslexia and with Resum, Resumen, Abstract 6 no comorbidity associated to the dyslexia due to attention deficiency disorder, with or wi-thout hyperactivity. We also administered the tasks to a control group who did not have this disorder.

    The results indicate, following the line of other studies, that the development of phonological and orthographic abilities in dyslexic people, despite showing a progressive development with age, is notably lower than in the control group (González, Díaz, Suárez, & Jiménez, 2016; Jiménez, Gregg, & Díaz, 2004; Rodrigo et al., 2009; Serrano, 2005; Serrano & Defior, 2004, 2008). We also found a very slight dependency relationship between phonological pro-cessing skills in Catalan and in Spanish and orthographic processing skills in English in both groups. With regard to the two theories, our results support the Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis but provide little evidence to back the theory of orthographic depth. The novelty of the study opens up a considerable number of lines of research that could be relevant in the field of dyslexia. It is recommended that future research should look

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