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Resumen de The discursive construction of democratic politics through the media

Iñaki García Blanco

  • This doctoral thesis by publication adopts a social constructionist perspective to study how the media contribute to constructing democratic politics as we know it. Rather than focusing on the role of media in political events, this dissertation explores how media content discursively defines the realm of democratic politics in contemporary societies, in the understanding that this construction contributes to defining (and to legitimising) certain democratic practices; helps defining political actors and their democratic roles; contributes to setting the limits of democracy as a political system, and helps to sanction the acceptability of certain discourses and/or political practices.

    This dissertation consists of four different case studies, focussing respectively on the discursive construction of democracy in the Spanish press; the extent to which Euronews can contribute to the emergence of a European public sphere; the discourses about the role of women in democratic politics in the European press, and the journalistic construction of citizens in Spanish newspapers. The case studies are based on discursive thematic analyses and content analyses. Interviews and schedule analysis were also resorted to as complementary methods.

    The articles contained in this PhD thesis by publication have already been published (or accepted for publication) in four peer-reviewed journals in the field of Journalism, Media, and Communication studies (Media, Culture & Society; Journalism Studies; Feminist Media Studies, and Journalism Practice, respectively).

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