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Polimerozko zuntz optiko aktiboen ikerkuntza: laser eta anplifikagailu gisako funtzionamendua hobetzeko

  • Autores: Igor Ayesta
  • Directores de la Tesis: Felipe Jiménez Hernández (dir. tes.), Jon Arrúe Aramburu (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea ( España ) en 2013
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Investigación sobre fibras ópticas poliméricas activas: mejorar el rendimiento de láseres y amplificadores
    • Study of active polymer optical fibres: to improve their performance as lasers and amplifiers
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Joseba Zubía Zaballa (presid.), María Asunción Illarramendi Leturia (secret.), Hans Poisel (voc.), Manuel López-Amo Sainz (voc.), Hans-hermann Johannes (voc.)
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  • Resumen
    • Munduan zehar egindako ikerketa lanaren ondorioz lortutako aurrera-pen nabarmengarriei esker, polimerozko zuntz optikoenganako interesa asko hasi da azkeneko bi hamarkadetan. Izan ere, telekomunikazioetarako erabil-tzeaz gain, sentsore optikoak, laserrak, anplifikagailuak eta kommutadore opti-koak eraikitzeko ere baliagarriak baitira. Zuntz optiko aktiboen jakintza arloan aurrerapen aipagarriak egin diren arren, ikerketa lerro hau ikertzaileentzako erronka izaten jarraitzen du, oraindik ere oso ondo ulertzen ez diren esparruak baitaude. Doktorego-tesi lan honek, dopaturiko polimerozko zuntz optikoen igor-pen ezaugarrien analisi argia, eta orain arte ezezaguna izan dena, emateko desioan dauka jatorria. Alde batetik, zuntz optikozko laser eta anplifikagailuen analisi teoriko sakona erakutsiko dugu, interesgarriak diren parametro fisikoek igorpen ezaugarrietan daukaten eragina deskribatzeko asmotan. Bestalde, lau polimero konjokatu desberdinekin dopaturiko polimerozko zuntz optikoen iker-keta esperimentala ere egin dugu, ezaugarri optikoak eta matrize ostalariaren eragina karakterizatzeko. Ikerketok oso erabilgarriak dira igorpen ezaugarriak hobeto ulertzeko, eta, ondorioz, polimerozko zuntz optikoekin eraikitako laser eta anplifikagailuen errendimendua hobetzeko.Polymer optical fibres have raised a great interest as a telecommunications medium, due to the rapid improvements in the last couple of decades thanks to a great worldwide research work. Moreover, they can also be used as optical sensors and as all-optical lasers, amplifiers and switches. Although several important advances have been achieved in the field of active optical fibres, this area of research still offers great challenges to study thoroughly some particular aspects that are not sufficiently well understood yet. The motivation of the present thesis comes from the desire to provide some clarifying analyses regarding emission features in dye-doped polymer optical fibres that are still missing. On the one hand, we show a thorough theoretical analysis in order to describe the emission characteristics depending on various physical parameters of interest, for both optical fibre lasers and amplifiers. On the other hand, we have also carried out an experimental study about polymer optical fibres doped with four different conjugated polymers, in order to characterize their optical features and the influence of the host matrix. Both studies are very useful to better understand the emission behaviour and, consequently, to improve the performance of polymer optical fibre lasers and amplifiers.

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