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Resumen de Contribución al desarrollo de factores de configuración de bolas de fuego con presencia de obstáculos

Juan Manuel Bonilla Martínez

  • Fire is the most common phenomenon that characterizes major accidents that take place in both industrial establishments and in the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail. The formation of a fireball, with or without a BLEVE, is characterized by the strong emission of thermal radiation, capable of causing lethal damage and irreversible injuries to people located at a significant distance. Although the knowledge about this type of accident has improved substantially, are still occurring eventually, so it is necessary to develop proposals aimed at reducing the effects of their consequences.

    This thesis has as main objective the development of new configuration factors between a fireball and a vulnerable target, considering the shadow effect of a third surface interposed between them. This approach defines a scenario of great practical utility, such as it is the implementation of physical barriers, not considered so far for the prediction of the consequences of major accidents of fireballs over their surroundings. In the literature review, no references has been found related with the raised hypothesis, so it will be in this research the first time they are published, for two particular cases: aboveground and elevated fireball.

    A novel mathematical method has been developed to determine the configuration factor under the conditions described above, which provides accurate results with reduced execution time and computational cost. Moreover, mathematical equations have been derived, through a semi-analytical method, that allow an acceptable approximation of these factors.

    The results of this research have allowed the development of a new mathematical model of dynamic fireball considering the shadow effect, whose m a in novelty is that the transitory regime of the fireball evolves through different regions in which the relative visibility can be total, partial and null.

    Physical barrier design criteria are established to limit the effects of thermal radiation, which until now was limited to walls designed to withstand the shock wave and the hypothetical impact of fragments. It can be integrated into risk analysis methodologies related to land use planning.

    In summary, this thesis provides knowledge and tools on an effect not considered so far

Fundación Dialnet

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