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Resumen de Trace elements in integrated gasification combined cycle fly ash: extraction of potentially valuable elements

Oriol Font Piqueras

  • The integration of gasification technology in combined cycles (IGCC) allows a clean use of coal with high energy efficiency and low emissions levels of pollutants. Due to the relatively new development of the IGCC technology, the implementation at an industrial scale of IGCC power plants is still scarce and consequently, there are few studies on characterisation of coal gasification by-products, as well as on the behaviour of trace elements during gasification, when compared to that of Pulverised Coal Combustion (PCC). Furthermore, most studies to date have been carried out in gasification pilot plants or are based on thermodynamic approaches. The implementation of the IGCC technology at an industrial scale is expected to expand in forthcoming years and consequently large volumes of coal gasification by-products will be produced. Therefore it is necessary to expand the state of knowledge on a number of coal gasification aspects, such as on the behaviour and fate of elements during coal gasification, and on the characterisation of IGCC byproducts.

    A better understanding of these parameters will permit the valuation of coal gasification by-products in the view of their potential applications. The 335 MW (ISO) Puertollano IGCC plant is one of the largest gasification plants in the world operating at an industrial scale. In this plant a 50:50 coal/petcoke blend (rich in a number of trace elements), is gasified with 2-4 % of limestone (as a fluxing agent), in a pressurised entrained flow gasifier, at 1600 oC and 25 bars. The use of a coal rich in a number of metals in trace elemnts (a high volatile bituminous coal) and a petcoke(rich in S, V and Ni) as well as the high slag/fly ash ratio (90:10) of this plant may cause an enrichment of some valuable elements in IGCC fly ash, and consequently research on the potential application of the fly ash as a source of valuable metals is relevant in view of their potential applications.

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