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Resumen de Estudio experimental de la resistencia mecánica de las esclerotomías sin suturas tras vitrectomía microincisional. Efecto de la aplicación de pegamento tisular biológico y sintético sobre la capacidad de cierre incisional

Valeria Constanza Opazo Toro

  • PURPOSE: To assess the influence that biologic and synthetic adhesives (tissucol and cyanoacrylate respectively) applied on the conjunctiva overlying the sclerotomy site may have on incisional competency after transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV).

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Experimental, randomized and observer-masked study in which 23-gauge TSV was performed in 228 cadaveric pig eyes. Once each vitrectomy was finished in 76 of the operated eyes, tissucol was applied on the conjunctiva placed over one of the superior sclerotomy site, whereas no maneuver was performed over the other superior incision. In other 76 eyes, once vitrectomy was performed, cyanoacrylate glue was used to close one of the superior incision site, whereas no maneuver was performed on the other superior sclerotomy. In the last 76 eyes, tissucol was applied on one of the superior sclerotomy site whereas cyanoacrylate glue was used over the other superior sclerotomy. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was gradually increased by means of the vitrectomy system (Accurus; Alcon Laboratories, TX) until one of the superior sclerotomies opened, allowing internal ocular solution to scape.

    CONCLUSIONS: The application of tissucol and cyanoacrylate glue on sutureless sclerotomies have demonstrated to be, in our experimental model, effective methods for increasing the sclerotomy closure resistance. Due to the similar closure effect achieved by tissucol and cyanoacrylate, the use of the biologic adhesive may be more appropriate, given that it is well known that tissucol is better tolerated than cyanoacrylate glue. Our study is the first to analyze the response of sclerotomies treated with adhesives to IOP increases.

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