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Resumen de A dependability-minded approach to video recording by means of virtualization

Miguel Angel Cabeza Rodriguez

  • A dependability minded approach to video recording by means of virtualization A simple method to assess the impact of any idea is to answer the question: how is our society better thanks to it? Or in other words, what makes it unique? The narrative of human evolution displays how our way of thinking changes the instruments we make, and how the instruments we make then modify the way we think. At the beginning of this century, we feel we are on an edge of scientific knowledge and technological capacity, and we dare to say this is a moment whose implications must be taken carefully into account if we wish to manage our future.

    The last economic turn-down has clearly shown the possibility to create new kinds of jobs lies in grasping the opportunities that are about to be and seem unstoppable. In the most-developed countries, “knowledge workers” could be considered the pillar of the middle class for the last few decades, but the next release of them will be based not only on what they know, but also on how effectively they manage the knowledge.


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