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Resumen de Regeneración perfectible, adaptable y sostenible. Análisis y propuesta de criterios para la regeneración de los polígonos residenciales construidos en los años 60 y 70 en europa

Paula Martin Goñi

  • In Spain the housing refurbishment hasn’t reached the 25% respect new construction, even though more than the half of the house has been built before 1980. Besides, the construction environmental impact is one of the highest between all the industrial activities due to the high consumption of resources (raw materials) and the generation of low value waste in the construction and demolition stage. The way to reduce the sector set environmental impact is to intervene in the built park, optimising the resources and the waste generation.

    Actually, the refurbishments principal objective use to be reducing the energy consumption of the houses. However, the refurbishment of the housing state should not be limited to just energetic considerations, but ought to consider also architectural, functional and technical aspects. The introduction of a new refurbishment model is considerate necessary, focused in providing and optimising the habitability of the housing state and in reducing the environmental impact, by optimization the resources and the waste generation. The adaptability introduction involve understanding the building as a system in constant technical and functional evolution, being able to incorporate changes or to be upgraded, tailoring to the society and their needs evolution in time.

    The introduction of a new refurbishment model require the observation of the actually generalised model and the exploration of refurbishment with a special interest, due to the solution peculiarity in regard to the widespread model. In this way, a sample composed by 42 singular refurbishment done in Europe case studies is developed. The objective is to identify which interventions are viable actually, but, on the contrary, are not being considerate in the generalised refurbishment model.

    The knowledge of the theory linked to the concept objet to be incorporated in the refurbishment is also needed. This learning is elaborated by studying the principal theories that link together the adaptability with the residential building: Open Building, Flexible Housing and Design for Disassembly. The Open Buildings theory recognizes the change like a reality in a built environment, the Flexible Housing theory studies the different ways of achieving a flexible house and, for last, the Design for Disassembly theory seek to manage the end of life of the building materials to reduce the raw materials consumption trough the reuse and/or the recycle.

    The analysis of the singular refurbishment case study sample and the theoretical study of the adaptability in the residential buildings leads to proposal of the new guidelines that should take into consideration the model of refurbishment proposed and their viability, based on the sample.

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