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Resumen de Estudio de los parametros bioquimicos y hematimetricos en relacion a la morfologia citologica bucal y vaginal

María José Veleiro Tenreiro

  • español

    Estudio para establecer la relación que puede existir entre los parámetros bioquímicos y hematimétricos con parámetros de las células de la mucosa bucal y vaginal, concluyendo que la morfometría celular puede ser útil en alteraciones hepáticas.

  • English

    It is a descriptive and transverse work of a group of patients who have attended to the consultation of the woman program in a Health Center. The choice of the patients has been done at random the only condition was that it were their first time at the consultation, therefore, they were expectant mothers or women who have attended to the consultation for contraceptives methods.

    The purpose of this work was to obtain takings of all the patients for the determination of hematimetry, biochemistry, vaginal cytology and oral mucosity cytology; as our aims were to establish the correlation among hematimetrics, biochemicals and oral cytology parameters (total area of the cell, area of the nucleus, area of the cytoplasm, maximum and minimum diameter of the oral cell).

    The vaginal cytology was normal in all the cases.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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