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Resumen de Smart microdevices for nutraceutical-controlled delivery

Elisa Poyatos Racionero

  • This PhD thesis, entitled "Smart microdevices for nutraceutical-delivery", is focused on the design and evaluation of organic-inorganic hybrid systems for the protection and controlled release of bioactive molecules. These systems are based on (i) silica materials, mainly mesoporous particles, as inorganic support to store and protect the bioactive cargo; and (ii) an outer layer of biomolecules that regulate the payload release triggered by certain stimuli.

    In the first chapter of the thesis oleic acid is described as a molecular gate. This chapter is subdivided into three different articles, with different objectives. In the first article, oleic acid is used for the first time as molecular gate of a mesoporous support, loaded with the rhodamine B model molecule. The designed material is capable of protecting the cargo under the conditions present in the mouth and stomach, and inducing its release in the small intestine with the surfactant action of bile salts. The system has been used for the release of vitamin B2, thus demonstrating the validity of the design for the protection and controlled release of nutraceuticals. The second article evaluates the effectiveness of this molecular gate in different types of mesoporous silica particles, with different sizes and pore structures (MCM-41, MCM-48, SBA-15 and UVM-7). In all the systems studied, the molecular gate is capable of keeping cargo molecules protected and releasing them in the presence of bile salts. The solid based on the structure of UVM-7 was validated in vivo, observing a delay in the intestinal absorption of rhodamine thanks to its encapsulation. Lastly, the third article included in this chapter has studied the possibility of incorporating molecular gates onto phyllosilicates. The protection and controlled release of large biomolecules involved in human metabolism (vitamin B12 and hematin) have been achieved using phyllosilicates functionalized with oleic acid as molecular gate.

    The second chapter describes for the first time the use of the protein zein (corn prolamine) as a molecular gate. The presence of corn prolamine inhibits the release of encapsulated antimicrobial compounds (thymol, carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde) releasing them in the presence of the proteolytic enzymes excreted during bacterial growth. Among all the materials developed, the cinnamaldehyde-loaded system has shown greater inhibition of E. coli growth than the free compound.

    Finally, the third chapter studies the effectiveness of lactose as a molecular gate to protect essential oils and release them only under the conditions present in the intestine. Three different materials based on MCM-41 loaded with thymol, eugenol, and cinnamaldehyde, and functionalized with lactose to inhibit the release of the compounds have been prepared. The enzymatic action of the lactase secreted in the intestine is capable of hydrolyzing the molecular gate into the corresponding monosaccharides, thus releasing the cargo along the intestinal lumen. The designed microdevices have been validated in vitro with Caco-2 cells, where an increase in the cytotoxic capacity of cinnamaldehyde and a decrease in permeability through the intestinal membrane model have been observed thanks to its encapsulation. Finally, the cinnamaldehyde-loaded microdevice has been validated in vivo, confirming the decrease in the permeability of the compound and its greater permanence in the intestinal lumen.

    Thus, the present PhD thesis has demonstrated the possibility of using simple food-grade biomolecules as gatekeepers on various silica materials. These new systems have allowed the protection and controlled release of different nutraceuticals, thus improving their bioavailability.

Fundación Dialnet

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