Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), as a change in the morphology of the proximal femur or the acetabulum, produces a mechanical disturbance in the hip joint which can initiate the degenerative process and finally osteoarthritis. There are two serious problems associated with FAI; chondral delamination which occurs more frequently with the non-spherical head of femur ( CAM type) because of repeated shear forces, and labral damage which is more frequent with the acetabular over-coverage ( pincer type) due to repeated compressive forces.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term and mid-term results of using the chitosan-based scaffold with microfracture during the arthroscopic treatment of FAI and associated acetabular chondral lesions in young active patients.
The included cases were non-arthritic non-dysplastic hips in the age of 18 to 55 years old. The arthroscopic treatment consisted of resection of the Cam deformity (femoroplasty), resection of the pincer deformity (acetabuloplasty), repair of the torn labrum, and management of the acetabular cartilage according to the degree of damage. Partial thickness cartilage lesions were treated by superficial debridement. Small full-thickness acetabular lesions (<2 cm2) were treated by microfractures. Large full-thickness lesions (≥2 cm2) received augmentation by the chitosan-based scaffold material.
Clinical outcome was evaluated in 23 patients included in the study. The results showed a significant improvement in the four PROs of 21 patients (91%) during the first year. The functional improvement hasn’t changed significantly for the same patients during the second year up to the endpoint of the study as referring the comparison with the corresponding first year PROs except for the iHOT33 score which showed further significant improvement. It is importantly noted that major complications, such as infection, DVT, instability and fractures, were not recorded in any case of our study. One patient needed total hip arthroplasty. Perineal hypoesthesia occurred in 3 patients and recovered within 2-6 weeks, and one patient needed prolonged physiotherapy program for postoperative muscular stiffness.
Cartilage repair quality was assessed in twenty-one patients by T2 mapping techniques of MRI after 24 months. T2 relaxation times of the repair area have been compared with the corresponding posterior cartilage. Quantitative T2 relaxation analysis showed a non-significant difference between the peripheral area of the repair tissue (at the chondrolabral junction) and the native acetabular cartilage posteriorly. Also, a non-significant difference could be observed between the T2 values of the central area of the repair tissue (close to the center of the joint) and the native posterior acetabular cartilage.
Two articles were published from this work; the first included the clinical results obtained at mean 38 months follow-up, the second included the radiological outcome of the quantitative T2 mapping study.
The study concluded the efficacy of using the chitosan-based scaffold with microfracture for treatment of large full thickness acetabular chondral defects associated with FAI as shown the clinical improvement and radiological outcome. This provided a promising modality for preservation of hip joints in young active patients
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