Forty-five years after the death of the Spanlsh dictator Francisco Franco dealing with the legacies of the country's represslve past and addressing the needs of the regime's victims of human rights violations continues to be a highly current and controversia! topic In contemporary Spain. The exhumatlon of the former dictator from the mausoleum 'Valley of the Fallen', carried out by state authorities in October 2019, was praised as a long overdue step by relatives of victims, while right-wing conservatlve circles criticized lt as an unnecessary resurgence of old supposedly overcome conflicts. However, what does the broader Spanish population think about repairing victims of Francoism? An open question in the research field of transitional justice remains the opinion of the public towards state-sponsored victim reparatlons includlng different measures rangíng from material compensation payments and recognition of individual pensíon rights to symbolíc and collective measures such as renaming of streets or the establishment of public memorial sites and places of remembrance. Using a qualitative bottom-up research approach applying a comblnation of online-survey and focus group methodology various forms of reparations are identified, which seem to meet wlth positive feedback from both the victims and the general publlc. Based on theoretical considerations of the academíc líterature on transitional justice such publicly supported reparatlons measures could possibly contribute to reconcile divided societies resurging from a conflicting past.
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