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El juego en el área de matemáticas en la educación Primaria

  • Autores: Davinia Soto Clares
  • Directores de la Tesis: Francisco Balibrea Gallego (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad de Murcia ( España ) en 2021
  • Idioma: español
  • Número de páginas: 187
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Juan Luis García Guirao (presid.), María Rosario Bermejo García (secret.), Gabriel Soler López (voc.)
  • Programa de doctorado: Programa de Doctorado en Educación por la Universidad de Murcia
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: DIGITUM
  • Resumen
    • español

      La Memoria titulada El juego en el área de Matemáticas de Educación Primaria es un estudio cuyo objetivo principal es analizar y poner en práctica el juego como herramienta de aprendizaje para el área de Matemáticas en 5.º de Educación Primaria.

      La primera parte de este trabajo se centra en la fundamentación del juego en el contexto escolar desde tres vertientes: psicopedagógica, histórica y curricular.

      De manera más concreta, establece las conexiones entre el juego y las Matemáticas escolares con el fin de justificar su aplicación en el área.

      Este trabajo se ubica dentro de una metodología cualitativa ya que el investigador se concentra en las vivencias de los participantes dentro de un contexto social determinado a partir del cual establecer conclusiones. Además, también es de tipo descriptivo debido a que el investigador forma parte activa del proceso ayudando a transformar la realidad con la que se encuentra.

      La segunda parte de la misma presenta el diseño de una propuesta didáctica utilizando tres recursos principalmente: el ajedrez, el sudoku y el tangram. Un recurso por trimestre para trabajar de manera lúdica los contenidos curriculares del área. Para ello, serán relevantes los beneficios que cada uno aporta en relación con los contenidos que se quieren trabajar.

      De forma más puntual, también se llevarán al aula pequeñas propuestas didácticas en donde el NIM, las Torres de Hanoi, la Matemagia y la Conjetura de Collatz cobrarán especial relevancia.

      El siguiente paso de esta Memoria es su puesta en práctica. Se llevará a cabo con un grupo de 20 alumnos de 5.º curso de Educación Primaria de un centro educativo ubicado en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Dentro del grupo, 6 alumnos presentan dificultades asociadas a la lectoescritura, aspecto a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de la propuesta didáctica.

      La última parte del trabajo está dedicada a la valoración de los resultados a través de los cuales establecer las conclusiones de la investigación, sus implicaciones educativas y la discusión pertinente sobre los logros conseguidos.

      En definitiva, de lo que se trata es de presentar una investigación innovadora y útil para el docente que le ayude a través del juego a cambiar su enseñanza para mejorar el aprendizaje de su alumnado.

      The reported Memoir entitled Using the game on Mathematics of Primary School is dedicated to analyze the use of the game as a learning tool in the field of Mathematics at the level of 5th course in Primary School.

      The first parto f the Memoir is devoted to state the basis for using of thegame at primary levels of the syllabus under three perspectivas: psycho-pedagogical, historical and curriculum development. More precisely, it explores the connections between the game and its applications in school Mathematics justifying them.

      By other hand, it is relevant to fix and clarify the type of research methodology to be used. In fact, inthe Memoir it is introduced a qualitative methodology since the author is mainly concentrated inthe experiences that of all participants have inside their social setting which leads to state general conclusions. Besides, the methodology is also of descriptive type since the author plays an active role in the process trying to transform the social reality.

      In the second part, the author presents the designo f a didactic proposal using mainly three resources: chess, sudokus and tangrams. They are stated in order to work with schoolchildren in a playful way, progressing at the same time in the currícula contains. It is underlined also in the Memoir, the particular beneficts of each research.

      In a particular way it is also suggested to bring to classroom other proposals based in other games such as NIM¿s, Hanoi Towers, Mathemagia and Collatz conjecture.

      Next step in the Memoir is to develop applications of the above games. It is proponed to work with groups of at most 20 students from 5th course of Primary School in any acholar center in the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. In fact the proposal was applied in Orly a Group of 20 students. In this Group were dectected 6 students with important difficulties in reading-writing which need some additional considerationand work.

      Last parto f the Memoir is devoted to valoration of results of the process and taking out some conclusiones, educational implications and discussions of them.

      It is necessary to underline that the research is innovative and useful for teachers helping them to introduce some changes in their way of teaching in order to improve the level of knowledge of schoolchild.

    • English

      The reported Memoir entitled Using the game on Mathematics of Primary School is dedicated to analyze the use of the game as a learning tool in the field of Mathematics at the level of 5th course in Primary School. The first parto f the Memoir is devoted to state the basis for using of thegame at primary levels of the syllabus under three perspectivas: psycho-pedagogical, historical and curriculum development. More precisely, it explores the connections between the game and its applications in school Mathematics justifying them. By other hand, it is relevant to fix and clarify the type of research methodology to be used. In fact, inthe Memoir it is introduced a qualitative methodology since the author is mainly concentrated inthe experiences that of all participants have inside their social setting which leads to state general conclusions. Besides, the methodology is also of descriptive type since the author plays an active role in the process trying to transform the social reality. In the second part, the author presents the designo f a didactic proposal using mainly three resources: chess, sudokus and tangrams. They are stated in order to work with schoolchildren in a playful way, progressing at the same time in the currícula contains. It is underlined also in the Memoir, the particular beneficts of each research. In a particular way it is also suggested to bring to classroom other proposals based in other games such as NIM’s, Hanoi Towers, Mathemagia and Collatz conjecture. Next step in the Memoir is to develop applications of the above games. It is proponed to work with groups of at most 20 students from 5th course of Primary School in any acholar center in the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. In fact the proposal was applied in Orly a Group of 20 students. In this Group were dectected 6 students with important difficulties in reading-writing which need some additional considerationand work. Last parto f the Memoir is devoted to valoration of results of the process and taking out some conclusiones, educational implications and discussions of them. It is necessary to underline that the research is innovative and useful for teachers helping them to introduce some changes in their way of teaching in order to improve the level of knowledge of schoolchild

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