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Resumen de Terrorismo como concepto en disputa: Comunicación, opresión y otredades terroristas desde el advenimiento de la era de la posverdad a los orígenes del terror

Jediael Álvarez de Dompablo

  • Our access to the world is configured through a network of meanings, of representations of reality that materialise in history. In this investigation we will analyse the concept of terror/terrorism through the Conceptual History drawn from the theoretical architecure of Reinhart Koselleck. For this author, the unity of analysis focuses on what he calls the political concept, the materialisation of language and world. Therefore, the word is made up of language, but also of a political and social context that give it a particular meaning.

    This way we will apply this design to the concepto of terror/terrorism and we will observe a change in its meaning, even though the word stays the same. How else would we explain that in its origins it was used to point at the partisans of Robespierre, the first terrorist in humanity, and at the same time the same word is used to set social groups like muslims and refugees apart? At the same time, it is not only political and philosophical contexts that change, there are also variations on political concepts from the moment that the different categories that make them up change in any way. In this investigation we interpret the Conceptual History and the categories that make up political concepts (temporalisation, politisation, ideologisation and democratisation) will be the structures that allow us to deeply analyse terror and terrorism, differentiating a series of moments of terrorism through time.

    Time is presented here as a kind of hermetic that allows us to break with the teleological dynamics to interpret an alternative history. For this reason, in the second chapter we will analyse the concept from the recent present to its origins in the modern era, the French Revolution. In this chapter we will focus on contexts, terrorist otherness and disputes of the political concept. Without forgetting that the Conceptual History allows different readings, like the one we do in the third chapter, where we analyse terror as a message and communicative phenomenon.

    For the last chapter, we pose the novelty that would be being witnesses of the advent of a new terrorist moment, which we have called terror in the post-truth era

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