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Resumen de Microplásticos en alimentos

Milene Díaz Basantes

  • español

    Este estudio se ha enfocado en desarrollar un protocolo de análisis de microplásticos (MPs) en varias matrices alimenticias, poniendo énfasis en reducir la cantidad de reactivos utilizados y el efecto sobre la integridad de los MPs. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se identificó las probables rutas de contaminación en los alimentos analizados, procesados de forma industrial y artesanal. Para lograr este objetivo se evaluaron varias técnicas de extracción propuestas por investigaciones en biota marina e investigaciones incipientes en alimentos. En la primera parte se realiza un estudio del estado del arte de la contaminación con polímeros sintéticos y la generación de MPs por meteorización de los macroplásticos, la definición y acuerdos alcanzados con relación a la conceptualización de los microplásticos y se recoge una pequeña revisión de los riesgos que supone su presencia, así como de las técnicas de análisis e identificación, que se reportan hasta la fecha para matrices marinas, suelos y aire. Seguidamente se desarrolla la experimentación con alimentos líquidos procesados, elegidos para la investigación. La miel, leche, refrescos y cerveza son exponentes fundamentales de los alimentos por su composición líquida y permitieron la inserción en las medidas de estandarización y calidad del protocolo, aplicando técnicas de degradación química de la materia orgánica presente en estas matrices. En los alimentos sólidos, cuya composición representa una interferencia de mayor atención en la degradación de la materia orgánica, se detalla el análisis estadístico de la aplicación de técnicas de degradación química y enzimática para fundamentar la elección del protocolo idóneo en estas matrices. Para esta evaluación se utilizan como alimentos de estudio el atún enlatado con dos tipos de líquidos de cobertura, aceite y salmuera y, como representante del reino vegetal, el tomate tipo Cherry, cuyo tipo de cultivo orgánico y convencional permitió analizar la influencia de este aspecto en la contaminación particulada. En todos los casos, se mantienen los criterios de calidad recomendados para el desarrollo de análisis físico-químico y se analizan las rutas de contaminación en función de los procesos de industrialización o cultivo a que es sometido el alimento.

  • English

    The daily use of plastic and its irresponsible final disposal generate macro and micro contaminants in the environment. According to the latest research, marine products are the ones with the greatest potential for contamination by microplastics (MPs), however, terrestrial foods do not escape the risk of contamination. Research in Europe, the United States, and China offers important information on soil, atmosphere, and water. The presence of MPs in food has not yet been evaluated in depth in the world, even less so in Latin America.

    By 2022, the main deficiency in this field is the absence of a standardized methodology that allows analysing the presence of MPs, as well as the potential risks that their presence generates. For MPs to cease their status as emerging pollutants and for control regulations to be established, more information is required.

    Most of the studies on marine biota, soils, and sediments apply physical extraction processes of visible polymeric particles located in the digestive systems. For sizes between 1µm and 5mm, extraction processes represent new challenges of chemical degradation that must avoid the action of the reagents used on the integrity of the analytes.

    This study focused on developing a protocol for the analysis of MPs in various food matrices, with emphasis on reducing the amount of reagent used and the effect on the integrity of the MPs. According to the results obtained, the probable routes of contamination in these terrestrial foods processed in an industrial and artisanal way were identified. To achieve this objective, several extraction techniques proposed by research in marine biota and incipient research in food were evaluated.

    The diversity of food composition implies the need for specific techniques for different foods. To determine the application protocols, both liquid and solid foods of high demand in Ecuador were used as study samples, introducing the variable state of aggregation and the basic composition of the food as analysis parameters.

    The research was developed in several stages that are described in each chapter of this document.

    Chapter one introduces the reader to the state of the art of contamination with synthetic polymers and the generation of MPs by weathering of microplastics.

    The definition and agreements reached about the conceptualization of microplastics and present a small review of the risks posed by their presence, as well as the analysis and identification techniques, which are reported to date for marine, soil, and air matrices. Chapter two details the objectives that were proposed for the execution of the investigation, and whose fulfillment is detailed in the subsequent chapters.

    The development of experimentation with processed liquid foods, chosen for the research, is described in Chapter 3. Honey, milk, soft drinks, and beer are fundamental exponents of foods due to their liquid composition and allow insertion in standardization measures and quality of the protocol, applying techniques of chemical degradation of the organic matter present in these matrices.

    For solid foods, whose composition represents an interference of greater attention in the degradation of organic matter, the study process is described in chapter 4. The statistical analysis of the application of chemical and enzymatic degradation techniques is described to support choosing the ideal protocol in these matrices. For this evaluation, canned tuna with two types of coverage liquids, oil and brine, and, as a representative of the plant kingdom, the Cherry tomato, whose type of organic and conventional cultivation allowed analysing the influence of this aspect in particulate pollution.

    In all cases, the quality criteria recommended for the development of physicalchemical analysis are maintained and contamination routes are analysed based on the industrialization or cultivation processes to which the food is subjected.

    Finally, chapter 5 compiles the global conclusions and outlines the perspectives that these subject leaves for its future development.

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