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Resumen de Cobertura mediàtica dels esdeveniments egipcis del 25 de gener a diaris egipcis i americans: un estudi comparatiu

Sofia Zohir Moustafa Kamel

  • This study adds to the critical discussion about international media coverage diversity during various contemporary political conflicts and social movements that recently occurred especially in the Middle East region. It investigates journalistic objectivity in media coverage for the Egyptian 25th Jan. events (2011), by examining and analyzing news framing for social and political issues in prominent Egyptian and American newspapers. The study clarifies how different countries’ news media systems, political and ideological orientations and media ownerships directly affect international news portrayal for significant political issues and Middle East social movements. Moreover, the study addresses the great impact of the recent advent of digital media channels during social conflicts in connecting and directing the public for achieving political change. It clarifies how international digital news media channels were used as a significant tool for motivating the people towards collective political actions and protests participation to achieve democracy and political change in Egypt. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to examine the role of new media and online press in framing the Egyptian 25th Jan. events as a powerful social movement, indicating whether different countries news media systems in Egypt and the U.S. employed different news frames in their leading press coverage.

    The study compares the local Egyptian media to the international foreign American media in having the greatest journalistic dominance of news coverage for the Egyptian 25th Jan. events. It focuses on the deep relationship between news framing and the way both local and international news sources portray same political events. This research is based on analyzing four elite local and international dailies representing different news media categories; the local Egyptian governmental press; Al Ahram, the private independent press; Al Masry Al Youm, and the foreign American press; The New York Times and The Washington Post. The study adopts the Framing Theory as its theoretical frame work hence it follows a triangulation mixed methods approach based on combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The content analysis is used as a quantitative method while the in-depth interviews as a qualitative one to complete each other in presenting an adequate research findings and comprehensive results. Content framing analysis is conducted over a period of one month, from 25th Jan. till 25th Feb. (2011). This specific period was chosen hence it covers the peak period of the Egyptian 25th Jan. events. The study is carried out on a purposive sample selected from all news stories that were published during the same events peak period. The sample includes 190 articles and their attached images, all extracted from four elite Egyptian and American newspapers to be analyzed. This was added to the In-depth interviews which confirmed the same research outcomes elicited from elite media professionals of academics, activists and journalists; giving their insightful views and personal prospective about the media coverage diversity for the 25th Jan. events in global news media channels.

    After conducting the research analysis, the primary results exhibited that most of the international news media coverage channels and press failed to present the incidents of the Egyptian 25th Jan. events objectively and transparently without revealing any political biases. Hence, these various international digital news media channels and online press played a profound role in triggering the Egyptian social movement mainly by encouraging online public activism and online social protests. Moreover, it was clear that elite media coverage of the 25th Jan. events differed greatly through their portrayals for the same events, affected by the different countries’ news media systems, political and ideological orientations and the media ownership. Remarkably, most of the Egyptian governmental

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