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El estado como estructura performativa: gubernamentalidad en el programa Familias, Chile

  • Autores: Inti Fernando Fuica–Rebolledo
  • Directores de la Tesis: Montserrat Clua i Fainé (dir. tes.), Noelia Carrasco Henriquez (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ( España ) en 2022
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Francisca de la Maza Cabrera (presid.), Silvia Carrasco Pons (secret.), Sergio Toro Maureira (voc.)
  • Programa de doctorado: Programa de Doctorado en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • español

      La tesis doctoral ¿El Estado como estructura performativa: gubernamentalidad en el programa Familias, Chile¿ consiste en el desarrollo de una propuesta teórico-metodológica para el estudio del Estado en tanto que fenómeno sociocultural situado. Para esto, se realizó una revisión de literatura respecto del concepto Estado desde una perspectiva antropológica, y se delimitaron las fortalezas y debilidades de los estudios anteriores. Como una salida teórica novedosa, se propone considerar al Estado, desde una perspectiva sociocultural, como una estructura performativa. Esto implica, por un lado, dar cuenta de las prácticas constitutivas contemporáneas que estructuran su accionar. Por otra parte, se requiere de una historización de estas prácticas, ya que el fundamento de la legitimidad estatal se evidencia en la continuidad histórica de sus prácticas de relación con la población. Dada la presencia estatal en múltiples niveles de la realidad social y cuyas acciones apuntan a una amplia diversidad de objetivos, se posiciona a las políticas públicas como ejes vertebradores de la investigación. Con esto, se puede delimitar el estudio empírico a una tecnología gubernamental específica, mediante la cual se vinculan los diferentes niveles de producción estatal. La propuesta de la presente tesis doctoral es, además, puesta en acción mediante el estudio etnográfico del programa Familias en Chile, política pública destinada a la superación de la pobreza en la población considerada extremadamente vulnerable. En esta política pública se involucran distintos niveles estatales: el nivel nacional (representado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y el Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social nacional), el nivel regional (Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social regional) y el nivel local (municipalidades). A partir del análisis de documentos primarios y secundarios, observación participante con funcionarios que trabajan en la política pública y la realización de 47 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a profesionales que laboran en los tres niveles estatales mencionados, se genera una descripción densa del proceso de producción cotidiana del programa Familias. Además, como corresponde a la propuesta teórico-metodológica, se realiza una historización de las prácticas asistenciales del Estado chileno, desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. El foco del análisis se centra en las relaciones intra-estatales que, en primer lugar, dan forma a la producción cotidiana del programa Familias, lo que permite a esta tecnología de gobierno sostenerse como una presencia regular y un punto de encuentro entre sociedad civil y Estado-nación. En segundo lugar, se analiza el proceso que dota de coherencia a las múltiples prácticas necesarias para el sostenimiento del Estado, lo que resulta en una representación social coherente del mismo, indicando los mecanismos que permiten que funcione como unidad. En tercera instancia, siempre desde el punto de vista de las profesionales que trabajan en esta política pública, se identifican tanto los ejes críticos como las principales potencialidades del programa Familias. Los resultados dan cuenta de que el programa Familias es un ejemplo claro de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal que caracteriza el funcionamiento del Estado chileno. Mediante la descripción del funcionamiento de esta política pública, se logran definir los límites de la gubernamentalización neoliberal precarizada de la pobreza, evidenciándose una gestión individual de la vulnerabilidad y al emprendimiento como vía de inclusión social prioritaria. Se exponen algunos conflictos existentes entre diferentes actores involucrados en la producción del programa Familias, los que quedan subsumidos a la continuidad de la acción estatal. Finalmente, también se destacan las diferentes asociaciones producidas entre actores (humanos y no-humanos) que sostienen en la práctica la performatividad estatal.

      The doctoral thesis "The State as a performative structure: governmentality in the programa Familias, Chile" consists in the development of a theoretical-methodological proposal for the study of the State as a situated sociocultural phenomenon. For this, a literature review was carried out regarding the concept of State from an anthropological perspective, and the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies were delimited. As a novel theoretical outlet, it is proposed to consider the State, from a sociocultural perspective, as a performative structure. This implies, on the one hand, accounting for the contemporary constitutive practices that structure their actions. On the other hand, a historicization of these practices is required, since the foundation of state legitimacy is evidenced in the historical continuity of its practices in relation to the population. Given the State presence at multiple levels of social reality and whose actions aim at a wide diversity of objectives, public policies are positioned as the backbone of research. With this, the empirical study can be delimited to a specific governmental technology, through which the different levels of State production are linked. The proposal of this doctoral thesis is also put into action through the ethnographic study of the programa Familias in Chile, a public policy aimed at overcoming poverty in the population considered extremely vulnerable. Different state levels are involved in this public policy: the national level (represented by the Ministry of Social Development and the national Solidarity and Social Investment Fund), the regional level (Regional Solidarity and Social Investment Fund) and the local level (municipalities). From the analysis of primary and secondary documents, participant observation with officials who work in public policy and the conduct of 47 semi-structured interviews with professionals who work at the three state levels mentioned, a dense description of the daily production process of the Families program is generated. In addition, as corresponds to the theoretical-methodological proposal, a historicization of the care practices of the Chilean State is carried out, from the 19th century to the present. The focus of the analysis is centered on intra-state relations that, in the first place, shape the daily production of the programa Familias, which allows this government technology to sustain itself as a regular presence and a meeting point between civil society and Nation-State. Second, the process that provides coherence to the multiple practices necessary for the maintenance of the State is analyzed, which results in a coherent social representation of the State, indicating the mechanisms that allow it to function as a unit. In the third instance, always from the point of view of the professionals who work in this public policy, both the critical axes and the main potentialities of the programa Familias identified. The results show that the programa Familias is a clear example of the neoliberal governmentality that characterizes the operation of the Chilean State. By describing the operation of this public policy, it is possible to define the limits of the precarious neoliberal governmentalization of poverty, evidencing an individual management of vulnerability and entrepreneurship as a priority means of social inclusion. Some existing conflicts between different actors involved in the production of the Familias program are exposed, which are subsumed to the continuity of state action. Finally, the different associations produced between actors (human and non-human) that sustain state performativity in practice are also highlighted.

    • English

      The doctoral thesis "The State as a performative structure: governmentality in the programa Familias, Chile" consists in the development of a theoretical-methodological proposal for the study of the State as a situated sociocultural phenomenon. For this, a literature review was carried out regarding the concept of State from an anthropological perspective, and the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies were delimited. As a novel theoretical outlet, it is proposed to consider the State, from a sociocultural perspective, as a performative structure. This implies, on the one hand, accounting for the contemporary constitutive practices that structure their actions. On the other hand, a historicization of these practices is required, since the foundation of state legitimacy is evidenced in the historical continuity of its practices in relation to the population. Given the State presence at multiple levels of social reality and whose actions aim at a wide diversity of objectives, public policies are positioned as the backbone of research. With this, the empirical study can be delimited to a specific governmental technology, through which the different levels of State production are linked. The proposal of this doctoral thesis is also put into action through the ethnographic study of the programa Familias in Chile, a public policy aimed at overcoming poverty in the population considered extremely vulnerable. Different state levels are involved in this public policy: the national level (represented by the Ministry of Social Development and the national Solidarity and Social Investment Fund), the regional level (Regional Solidarity and Social Investment Fund) and the local level (municipalities). From the analysis of primary and secondary documents, participant observation with officials who work in public policy and the conduct of 47 semi-structured interviews with professionals who work at the three state levels mentioned, a dense description of the daily production process of the Families program is generated. In addition, as corresponds to the theoretical-methodological proposal, a historicization of the care practices of the Chilean State is carried out, from the 19th century to the present. The focus of the analysis is centered on intra-state relations that, in the first place, shape the daily production of the programa Familias, which allows this government technology to sustain itself as a regular presence and a meeting point between civil society and Nation-State. Second, the process that provides coherence to the multiple practices necessary for the maintenance of the State is analyzed, which results in a coherent social representation of the State, indicating the mechanisms that allow it to function as a unit. In the third instance, always from the point of view of the professionals who work in this public policy, both the critical axes and the main potentialities of the programa Familias identified. The results show that the programa Familias is a clear example of the neoliberal governmentality that characterizes the operation of the Chilean State. By describing the operation of this public policy, it is possible to define the limits of the precarious neoliberal governmentalization of poverty, evidencing an individual management of vulnerability and entrepreneurship as a priority means of social inclusion. Some existing conflicts between different actors involved in the production of the Familias program are exposed, which are subsumed to the continuity of state action. Finally, the different associations produced between actors (human and non-human) that sustain state performativity in practice are also highlighted.

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