La investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la flora y componentes simbiontes de un Bosque Estacionalmente Seco (BES) del Marañón, distrito Utco, provincia Celendín, región Cajamarca, al norte de Perú. Se estratificaron tres zonas de estudio: Zona I (850 a 1100 m.s.n.m), Zona II (1100 a 1400 m.s.n.m) y Zona III (1400 a 1700 m.s.n.m); los muestreos se realizaron en temporada húmeda, utilizando 30 transectos Gentry modificados; se midió altura de planta, diámetro a la altura del pecho y/o al ras del suelo y en individuos con diámetro ≥1cm, se registró la presencia en individuos que no cumplían con esta condición. La colecta botánica siguió la técnica convencional, se evaluaron los índices de diversidad. Para el ordenamiento de las parcelas respecto a la estructura de la vegetación, se realizó un Escalamiento Dimensional No Métrico (NMDS) con RStudio. Para los simbiontes se colectaron raicillas utilizando el método de Kormanik, se realizaron cortes transversales de raicillas y cortes de 0,5 cm fueron colocados en medio Papa-Dextrosa-Agar (PDA), se extrajo muestras en suspensión de 1g de suelo para registro de esporas. En flora se registraron 52 especies y siete taxa a nivel de género distribuidas en 56 géneros y 25 familias de la subdivisión Angiospermae, 31 de hábito arbustivo, 10 herbáceas, nueve arbóreas, seis suculentas y tres trepadoras. Las familias más diversas fueron Leguminosae (11sp), Compositae (7sp) y Cactaceae (6sp). Se reportan 14 especies endémicas de Perú y nueve de los BES Marañón. La diversidad de Margalef (DMg) y dominancia de Simpson (D) fueron altas para la Zona III; los índices de Sorensen (IS) y Jaccard (J) mostraron mayor similitud entre las Zonas I y II. La mayor abundancia y frecuencia relativa (AR - FR) la tuvo Cienfuegosia tripartita (42,30%, 9,2%) y dominancia relativa (DR) e IVI, Eriotheca discolor (629,8 m2/0,1ha, DR=84,7%, IVI=97,34). El patrón de distribución diamétrica altitudinal es predominantemente arbustivo, por lo que se propone la siguiente nomenclatura: “Matorral Estacionalmente Seco Interandino - Marañón (Mes-in Marañón)” a la zona ubicada entre los 850 y 1400 m.s.n.m. Se lograron identificar estructuras fungales (hifas, arbúsculos, micelio interno, vesículas y micelio externo) de hongos endomicorrizicos arbusculares (HMA) de la familia Glomeraceae en siete de las ocho especies con mayor IVI. Se aislaron los géneros de bacterias: Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas y Bacillus que mostraron antagonismo a Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp. y Fusarium roseum, esto responde al carácter funcional de proteger a las raíces de microorganismos patógenos. Se registró nódulos de Rhizobium sp., en raicillas de Stylosanthes nervosa.
The objective of the research was to characterize the flora and symbiotic components of a Seasonally Dry Forest (BES) of the Marañón Utco district, Celendin province, Cajamarca region, north of Peru were characterized. Three study areas were stratified: Zone I (850 to 1100 m), Zone II (1100 to 1400 m) and Zone III (1400 to 1700 m); the samplings were carried out in the wet season, using 30 modified Gentry transects; plant height, diameter at chest height and / or at ground level were measured and in individuals with a diameter ≥1cm, the presence was recorded in individuals who did not meet this condition. The botanical collection followed the conventional technique, the diversity indices were evaluated. For the ordering of the plots with respect to the structure of the vegetation, a Non-Metric Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) was carried out with RStudio. For the symbionts, rootlets were collected using the Kormanik method, cross sections of rootlets were made and 0.5 cm sections were placed in Papa-Dextrosa-Agar (PDA) medium, samples in suspension of 1g of soil were extracted for spore registration. In flora, 52 species and seven taxa were recorded at the genus level distributed in 56 genera and 25 families of the Angiospermae subdivision, 31 shrub habit, 10 herbaceous, nine arboreal, six succulent and three climbing. The most diverse families were Leguminosae (11sp), Compositae (7sp) and Cactaceae (6sp). Fourteen endemic species from Peru and nine from the SDF Marañon are reported. Margalef diversity (DMg) and Simpson dominance (D) were high for Zone III; the Sorensen (IS) and Jaccard (J) indices showed greater similarity between Zones I and II. The highest abundance and relative frequency (AR - FR) was had by Cienfuegosia tripartita (42,30%, 9,2%) and relative dominance (DR) and IVI, Eriotheca discolor (629,8 m2 / 0,1 ha, DR = 84,7%, IVI = 97,34). The altitudinal diameter distribution pattern is predominantly shrubby, so the following nomenclature is proposed: "Seasonally Dry Interandean Scrub - Marañon (Mes-in Marañon)" to the area located between 850 and 1400 m. It was possible to identify fungal structures (hyphae, arbuscules, internal mycelium, vesicles and external mycelium) of arbuscular endomycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of the Glomeraceae family in seven of the eight species with the highest IVI. Bacterial genera were isolated: Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas and Bacillus that showed antagonism to Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp. and Fusarium roseum, this responds to the functional character of protecting the roots from pathogenic microorganisms. Nodules of Rhizobium sp. were recorded in roots of Stylosanthes nervosa.
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