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Resumen de Apropiación didáctica de las lenguas indígenas originarias en el marco de la educación intercultural bilingüe en el estado de Apure (Venezuela)

Yuraima Lucila Rodríguez Blanco

  • Bilingual intercultural education is a major challenge today. It develops through building intercultural societies, underpinned by the recognition of the richness of diversity, values and traditions, mutual respect and equality. It is a prerequisite for peaceful survival and future development of humanity, from the local. All this is possible, if you have a contextualized educational model to ensure these challenges.

    This education will be complemented with the implementation of comprehensive training for students from their original language. This not only allows the same formal ownership through the acquisition of literacy skills. It also allows to improve their ability to analyze and interpret various subjects and themes, which had greater ability to speak.

    This research is part of the research Intercultural Education and Teaching Department of Educational Theory and more specifically the area Didactics and School.

    The study was conducted with the primary purpose of developing and implementing an educational guide to facilitate use of indigenous languages originating in the Latin American context projection. The methodological approach was oriented from the epistemological-phenomenological-hermeneutic. Since he was able to interpret and understand the search for meaning in the experiences in indigenous schools, which focused on the process of appropriation of the language "Yaruro". It could deduce pedagogical implications for the training of teachers of bilingual intercultural education.

    For them it was possible to develop and implement an educational guide to facilitate use of the original indigenous languages, allowing fulfill the main objective of the research.

Fundación Dialnet

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